


以下使用 g ++ 4.8.2 运行的程序在32位Linux系统上给出了输出12:

The following program on running with g++ 4.8.2 gave the output 12 on a 32-bit Linux system:

vector<char> v;
cout << sizeof(v) << endl;

我看到并知道 sizeof(v)可能是特定于实现的。不过,我想知道是什么原因导致该向量的大小为12.我认为迭代器 v.begin() v.end()可能会贡献8个字节的大小。我对么?如果是,那剩下的4个字节的大小是什么?如果没有,这12个字节到底是什么?

I saw this and know that sizeof(v) could be implementation specific. Still, I was wondering what might be causing that vector to have a size of 12. What I think is that the iterators v.begin() and v.end() might be contributing to 8 bytes of the size. Am I correct? If yes, what is contributing to the remaining 4 bytes of size? If not, what are these 12 bytes all about?


看看来源。 libstdc ++ 是gcc下载的一部分。

Take a look at the sources. libstdc++ is part of the gcc download.


Anyway, the container must have these members (or equivalent, like all pointers):

  1. 数据指针, char * 的4个字节。

  2. 元素计数或结束指针, size_t char *

  3. 缓冲区大小或指向缓冲区结尾的指针,4 $字节用于 size_t char *

  4. 标准分配器(空的普通类型)不需要空间,这要归功于一些实现技巧(Empty-baseclass-optimization,和也许是部分模板特化)。

  1. A data-pointer, 4 bytes for a char*.
  2. An element count or an end pointer, 4 bytes for a size_t or char*.
  3. A buffer-size or pointer to end-of-buffer, 4 bytes for a size_t or char*.
  4. The standard allocator (empty trivial type) needs no space, thanks to some implementation-tricks (Empty-baseclass-optimization, and perhaps partial template-specialization).


In theory, 2 and 3 might be smaller if not pointers. Though that would be curious, as it would restrict the maximum size.


Together 12 bytes, as expected.


09-05 09:45