


struct EdgeExtended {
    int neighborNodeId;
    int weight;
    int arrayPointer;
    bool isCrossEdge;



I want to have a vector of such objects, sort it by neighborNodeId. Then I want to search for a particular neighborNodeId and return a reference to the found object inside the vector by binary search. Previously I used a map for that, so it was something like that:

map<int, EdgeExtended> neighbours;

auto it = neighbours.find(dnodeId);
if (it != neighbours.end()) {
    edgeMap = it->second;


map<int, EdgeExtended> neighbours;


vector<EdgeExtended> neighbours;


and retain as much as the old code the same.


I want to benchmark if the vector is faster than the map, since I am building thousands of vectors(or maps) and each vector (map) is relatively small (~10 items). I do not know how to a) make objects sortable by neighborNodeId and b) how to use binary search that searches for a particular member of the class (neighborNodeId). Sorry for the noob question. I am counting on your help.


您需要一个自定义比较函数,它需要两个 EdgeExtended 对象,并比较您感兴趣的字段,并且可以传递给 sort binary_search 作为第三个或第四个参数。

You need a custom comparator function that takes two EdgeExtended objects and compares the fields you're interested in and that you can pass to both sort and binary_search as a third or fourth argument, respectively.


It can be conveniently done with a lambda function:

auto Comp = [](const EdgeExtended& e1, const EdgeExtended& e2)
    return e1.neighborNodeId < e2.neighborNodeId;

如果你卡住前C ++ 11,写一个重载的类代替:

If you stuck pre-C++11, write a class with overloaded operator() instead:

struct Comp {
    bool operator()(const EdgeExtended& e1, const EdgeExtended& e2) const
        return e1.neighborNodeId < e2.neighborNodeId;


09-05 09:44