Can anyone explain what is std::memory_order
in plain English, and how to use them with std::atomic<>
I found the reference and few examples here, but don't understand at all.http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order
我为各种内存排序找到的最好的简单英语"解释是 Bartoz Milewski 的关于轻松原子的文章:http://bartoszmilewski.com/2008/12/01/c-atomics-and-memory-ordering/
The best "Plain English" explanation I've found for the various memory orderings is Bartoz Milewski's article on relaxed atomics: http://bartoszmilewski.com/2008/12/01/c-atomics-and-memory-ordering/
但请注意,虽然这些文章是一个很好的介绍,但它们早于 C++11 标准,并且不会告诉您安全使用它们需要知道的一切.
But note that whilst these articles are a good introduction, they pre-date the C++11 standard and won't tell you everything you need to know to use them safely.
以及如何将它们与 std::atomic<> 一起使用?
我最好的建议是:不要.松弛原子(可能)是 C++11 中最棘手和最危险的事情.坚持使用带有默认内存排序(顺序一致性)的 std::atomic
My best advice to you here is: don't. Relaxed atomics are (probably) the trickiest and most dangerous thing in C++11. Stick to std::atomic<T>
with the default memory ordering (sequential consistency) until you're really, really sure that you have a performance problem that can be solved by using the relaxed memory orderings.
在上面链接的第二篇文章中,Bartoz Milewski 得出以下结论:
In the second article linked above, Bartoz Milewski reaches the following conclusion:
我不知道自己在尝试推理时陷入了什么境地关于 C++ 弱原子.它们背后的理论是如此复杂以至于边缘无法使用.花了三个人(安东尼、汉斯和我)和对标准的修改,以完成一个相对的证明简单的算法.想象一下对基于无锁队列的关于弱原子!
这篇关于c++,std::atomic,std::memory_order 是什么以及如何使用它们?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!