

我想将 LD_PRELOAD 设置为指向一个共享库,我可以在其中运行 64 位或 32 位应用程序.很明显,共享库和可执行文件必须在位上匹配.

I would like to set LD_PRELOAD to point to a shared library where I might run either a 64bit or 32bit application. It is obvious that the shared library and the executable have to match in bit-ness.

$ LD_PRELOAD=/lib64/lib_init.so ./hello32
ERROR: ld.so: object '/lib64/lib_init.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored

其中 hello32 是 32 位应用程序.世界上有一些页面说我应该能够做到:

where hello32 is a 32 bit application. There are some pages out in the world that say that I should be able to do:

$ LD_PRELOAD='/$LIB/lib_init.so' ./hello32
ERROR: ld.so: object '/$LIB/lib_init.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored

$LIB 将根据应用程序是 32 位还是 64 位自动在 lib 和 lib64 之间切换.但显然这行不通.

Where $LIB will automatically switch between lib and lib64 depending on whether the application is 32 or 64bit. But obviously this doesn't work.


Is there some trick to make this work? LD_PRELOAD_32, LD_PRELOAD_64?Thanks!



By specifying full path to the library, you don't let dynamic linker to adjust it's search path according to binaries architecture. Define only library name and let linker to pick the correct library for you. E.g.:

$ LD_PRELOAD=lib_init.so ./hello32

将在/lib 中搜索 lib_init.so,而

will search for lib_init.so in /lib, while

$ LD_PRELOAD=lib_init.so ./hello64

将在/lib64 中搜索

will search in /lib64


09-05 09:38