本文介绍了karma.conf.js 自动文件排序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个按功能排序的大型 angularjs 项目.我想设置单元测试,但在设置 karma.conf.js 文件排序设置时遇到问题.

I have a large angularjs project ordered by features. I'd like to setup unit testing but I'm having trouble getting the karma.conf.js file ordering setup.

我尝试指定一个简单的 glob 模式,例如 **/*.js,但由于运行时它们包含在 Karma 中的顺序,我的许多模块无法加载.据我了解,它是按字母顺序排列的,第一个匹配项.

I tried specifying a simple glob pattern like **/*.js but many of my modules failed to load due to the ordering that they're included in Karma when ran. As I understand, it's alphabetical, first match.


I was able to resolve this by manually figuring out the ordering by doing something like this:

// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
  // External scripts

  // Modules: load module first, then all controllers, services, etc

  // Load overall app module last

  // Load mocks and tests


This seems like it will be cumbersome to maintain over time as new modules are added. Is there a way to automatically resolve the ordering?


Note: One possible solution I was thinking was to concat all the files together but I googled to see if others are doing this and found no examples.



I think you may look into different solutions here, depending on how you want to manage your project.

使用 AMD/RequireJS:不要一次加载所有模块,只需要它们当你需要的时候.有时它可能无法满足您的需求,使项目变得过于复杂,所以请看下面.

Use AMD/RequireJS: do not load your modules all at once but just require them when you need.Sometimes it may not fit your needs tough making the project over complicated, so look below.

注意:恕我直言,这是最优雅的解决方案和业力 确实支持requireJS.

Note: this is IMHO the most elegant solution and karma does support requireJS.

创建一个命名空间,您可以在其中附加所有内容并在 DOM 准备好时启动它们(通常很快,但这实际上取决于您加载了多少脚本)

Create a namespace where you append all your stuff and start them when the DOM is ready (usually pretty quick, but it really depends on how much scripts you load)

// module A
// Something like this should be fine
  window.MyNamespace = window.MyNamespace || {};
  // append things to the namespace...

// module B
  window.MyNamespace = window.MyNamespace || {};
  // append things to the namespace...

// This is very rough but it should give the idea
window.ondomready = MyNamespace.start;


Note: while this may work you have to fiddle a bit with your project to change the structure accordingly.

除非你真的讨厌 requireJS 和所有模块的东西,否则我会选择上面那个.

I would go for the one above unless you really hates requireJS and all the modules stuff.

以编程方式为您的 Karma 文件排序:我写了关于它在此答案中.

Programmatically order your Karma files: I wrote about it in this answer here.


Note: this is the less mantainable of the options.

这篇关于karma.conf.js 自动文件排序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 09:24