

本文介绍了可以在一个内存块使用操作符new分配/ malloc的持续超越程序执行的结束?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



这问题就来了我的脑海里,当我在阅读关于它是如何强制当谈到在C / C动态内存分配++使用分别删除/免费。我想如果内存分配持续超出了我的程序执行的终止,那么是的,它是强制性的;否则,为什么我不用担心释放分配的空间?是不是操作系统将与进程终止自动释放它吗?如何正确的我是谁?

This question came to my mind when i was reading about how compulsory it is to use delete/free respectively when it comes to dynamic memory allocation in C/C++. I thought if the memory allocation persisted beyond the termination of my program execution, then yes it is compulsory; otherwise, why do i have to worry about freeing up the allocated space? Isn't the OS going to free it up automatically with process termination? How right am i?My question is that can

int *ip = new int(8);


persist beyond the termination of my program?




Long answer: No. C++ will never persist memory unless you do the work to make it do so. The reason to free memory is this:


If you don't free memory, but keep allocating it, you will run out at some point. Once you run out, almost anything can happen. On Linux, maybe the OOM killer is activated and your process is killed. Maybe the OS pages you completely to disk. Maybe you give a Windows box a blue screen if you use enough memory. It can almost be thought of as undefined behavior. Also, if you leak memory, it's just siting there, unused, unreleased, and no one can use it until your process terminates.


There's another reason too. When you release memory to the allocator, the allocator might keep it around, but just mark it as usable. That means that next time you need memory, it's already sitting there waiting for you. That means there are less calls into the kernel to ask for memory, increasing performance, as context switches are very inefficient.

编辑:C和C ++标准,甚至不给一个保证内存将被终止后OS清理。许多操作系统和编译器可能,但也不能保证。尽管如此,所有主要的桌面和移动操作系统(有可能是DOS和一些非常古老的嵌入式系统除外)做后清理进程的内存。

The C and C++ standards don't even give a guarantee that the memory will be cleaned up by the OS after termination. Many OSes and compilers may, but there is no guarantee. Despite this, all major desktop and mobile operation systems (with the exception of probably DOS and some very old embedded systems) do clean up a processes memory after it.

这篇关于可以在一个内存块使用操作符new分配/ malloc的持续超越程序执行的结束?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 09:02