




I am trying to use JmDNS to detect addition and removal of devices on the network. The addition works fine, the devices are found as soon as their respective services are registered with JmDNS, but, when a device is removed from the network, it is never registered with JmDNS.

我尝试过定期调用 jmDns.list(serviceName),但是,似乎总是返回缓存的值.

I have tried invoking jmDns.list(serviceName) periodically, but, it seems, as if it always returns cached values.


Is it possible to make JmDNS register removed devices?


Here is the code I used to register service and service listener (only relevant parts):


JmDNS jmdns = JmDNS.create();
ServiceInfo service = ServiceInfo.create("_test._tcp.local.", "Test", 1234, 0, 0, false, "Test info");


JmDNS jmDns = JmDNS.create();
jmDns.addServiceListener("_test._tcp.local.", new ServiceListener() {
    public void serviceAdded(ServiceEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Service added " + event.getInfo());

    public void serviceRemoved(ServiceEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Service removed " + event.getInfo());

    public void serviceResolved(ServiceEvent event) {
        System.out.println("Service resolved" + event.getInfo());


方法 serviceRemoved().我非常感谢您在解决问题上能获得的任何帮助.

Method serviceRemoved() is never invoked, even though the device previously registered is not powered on anymore.I am very grateful for any help I can get in solving the issue.


Update: JmDNS does figure out that the device is missing from the network, but only after half an hour. Is it possible to make this period shorter?


仅当删除的设备在关闭之前注销自身时,才调用serviceRemoved()方法. JmDNS不会主动检查设备的存在,而只是侦听广播消息.如果被删除的设备尚未自行注销,则JmDNS永远不会知道它是否利用了超时命中(在您的情况下可能为30分钟).一种主动检查设备是否仍然存在的可能性.有几种方法可以做到这一点.我不知道JmDNS是否已经为此建立了一些东西.

The serviceRemoved() method is only called when the removed device unregisters itself before shutting down. JmDNS is not actively checking the presence of the devices but just listening to the broadcast messages. If the removed device has not unregistered itself JmDNS does never know it util the timeout hits in (probably 30minutes in your case).One possibility to check if a device is still there is to actively ask it. There are several ways to do this. I dont know if JmDNS has already something build if for that.


09-05 08:58