我有一个 C++ 编程类的赋值,用于编写一个不使用静态变量的递归函数,具有以下原型:int findmin(const int a[], int n);
I have an assignment for a c++ programming class to write a recursive function without the use of static variables, with the following prototype:int findmin(const int a[], int n);
我的解决方案有效(对于非常小的数组),但是我认为 ~2^n 复杂度过高,可以改进.
My solution works (for very small arrays), however I think ~2^n complexity is excessive and could be improved.
Are there any improvements that could be made within the specified criteria that would make this more efficient?
int findmin(const int a[], int n)
if(n == 0)
return a[0];
if(a[n-1] < findmin(a,(n-1)))
return a[n-1];
return findmin(a,(n-1));
担心效率有点愚蠢,因为有一种明显的、非递归的方法可以在 O(n) 中一次性完成.甚至还有一个 STL 算法 std::min_element.但是,这是一个愚蠢的任务.首先确保您的解决方案是正确的.当 n==0 时,a[0] 是否有效?一般这样的n
It's a little silly to worry about efficiency, given that there is an obvious, non-recursive way to do it in O(n), one pass. There is even an STL algorithm std::min_element. But then, it's a silly assignment. FIrst be sure your solution is correct. When n==0, will a[0] be valid? Generally, such an n
indicates the length of the array, not the lowest index.
要从 O[n^2] 到 O[n],请确保每个元素只比较一次.这意味着不是每次都从数组的开头开始.
To go from O[n^2] to O[n], be sure to compare each element only once. That implies not starting at the beginning of the array on every pass.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
int findmin(const int a[], int n)
if(n == 1) // See heyah.
return a[0];
return std::min(a[0], findmin(a + 1, n - 1));
在真正的 C++ 代码中,如果由于某种原因我们背负着老式的函数签名,我们会做这样的事情:
In for-real C++ code, if for some reason we were saddled with the old fashion function signature, we would do something like this:
int findmin(const int a[], int n) {
if(n<=0) { throw std::length_error("findmin called on empty array");}
return *std::min_element(a, a+n);