




I'm trying to understand how C allocates memory on stack. I always thought variables on stack could be depicted like structs member variables, they occupy successive, contiguous bytes block within the Stack. To help illustrate this issue I found somewhere, I created this small program which reproduced the phenomenon.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void function(int  *i) {
    int *_prev_int =  (int *) ((long unsigned int) i -  sizeof(int))  ;
    printf("%d\n", *_prev_int );

void main(void)
    int x = 152;
    int y = 234;

看看我在做什么?假设sizeof(int)为4:我在传递的指针后面查找4个字节,因为它将在调用者的堆栈中的int y位置之前读取4个字节.

See what I'm doing? Suppose sizeof(int) is 4: I'm looking 4 bytes behind the passed pointer, as that would read the 4 bytes before where int y in the caller's stack.


It did not print the 152. Strangely when I look at the next 4 bytes:

int *_prev_int =  (int *) ((long unsigned int) i +  sizeof(int))  ;


and now it works, prints whatever in x inside the caller's stack. Why x has a lower address than y? Are stack variables stored upside down?



Stack organization is completely unspecified and is implementation specific. In practice, it depends a lot of the compiler (even of its version) and of optimization flags.


Some variables don't even sit on the stack (e.g. because they are just kept inside some registers, or because the compiler optimized them -e.g. by inlining, constant folding, etc..).


BTW, you could have some hypothetical C implementation which does not use any stack (even if I cannot name such implementation).


To understand more about stacks:

熟悉计算机的架构& 指令集(例如 x86 )& ABI ,然后...

Become familiar with your computer's architecture & instruction set (e.g. x86) & ABI, then ...

询问您的编译器以显示汇编器代码和/或某些中间编译器表示形式.如果使用 GCC ,请使用gcc -S -fverbose-asm编译一些简单的代码(在编译foo.s >),然后尝试几个优化级别(至少-O0-O1-O2 ....).也尝试使用-fdump-tree-all选项(它会转储数百个文件,这些文件显示了源代码的编译器的某些内部表示形式).请注意,GCC还提供了内置返回地址

ask your compiler to show the assembler code and/or some intermediate compiler representations. If using GCC, compile some simple code with gcc -S -fverbose-asm (to get assembler code foo.s when compiling foo.c) and try several optimization levels (at least -O0, -O1, -O2 ....). Try also the -fdump-tree-all option (it dumps hundred of files showing some internal representations of the compiler for your source code). Notice that GCC also provides return address builtins

阅读有关垃圾收集的Appel的旧论文可能比堆栈要快.分配,并了解垃圾收集技术(因为他们经常需要检查并可能更改调用堆栈框架内的某些指针).要了解有关GC的更多信息,请阅读 GC手​​册.

Read Appel's old paper on garbage collection can be faster than stack allocation, and understand garbage collection techniques (since they often need to inspect and possibly change some pointers inside call stack frames). To know more about GC, read the GC handbook.

可悲的是,我不知道可以在语言级别访问调用堆栈的低级语言(如C,D,Rust,C ++,Go等).这就是为什么很难为C编写垃圾收集器的原因(因为GC需要扫描调用堆栈指针)...但是请参见 Boehm保守的GC 是一种非常实用且实用的解决方案.

Sadly, I know no low-level language (like C, D, Rust, C++, Go, ...) where the call stack is accessible at the language level. This is why coding a garbage collector for C is difficult (since GC-s need to scan the call stack pointers)... But see Boehm's conservative GC for a very practical and pragmatic solution.


09-05 08:33