

堆栈支持 hpack package.yaml配置文件,因为至少在,但是关于它与stack.yaml文件之间的差异的文档并不多.

Stack has supported hpack's package.yaml configuration files since at least around this commit, as far as I can tell, but there's not much documentation about the differences between it and the stack.yaml file.

我发现谈论它的几个链接之一是此文档 ,上面写着:

One of the few links I've found talking about it is this documentation, where it says:


So from this, it seems like package.yaml provides a superset of the *.cabal file's configuration ability, like the stack.yaml file also does.


... 后来说package.yaml是用于存储依赖项:

...and later says that package.yaml is for storing dependencies:


There's this related question, but it sadly doesn't clarify the difference between the two files.


I've been using package.yaml for all my project's configurations, and never using stack.yaml.


So, what is the relationship between stack's package.yaml and stack.yaml files? If/when their responsibilities overlap, which is it better practice to use?




The *.cabal file is the package-level configuration. It can be generated by hpack from a package.yaml. This configuration provides essential information about the package: dependencies, exported components (libraries, executables, test suites), and settings for the build process (preprocessors, custom Setup.hs). Many projects also don't use hpack and don't have a package.yaml, only a *.cabal file.


The stack.yaml file is the project-level configuration, which specifies a particular environment to make a build reproducible, pinning versions of compiler and dependencies. This is usually specified by a resolver (such as lts-11.4).

stack.yaml对于package.yaml而言不是多余的. package.yaml指定需要哪些依赖项. stack.yaml表示一种一致地解决依赖关系的方法(特定的软件包版本,和/或从何处获取依赖关系,例如:在Hackage,远程存储库或本地目录上).

stack.yaml is not redundant with package.yaml. package.yaml specifies what dependencies are needed. stack.yaml indicates one way to consistently resolve dependencies (specific package version, and/or where to get it from, for example: on Hackage, a remote repository, or a local directory).


stack.yaml is most useful to developers: we don't want our build to suddenly break because a dependency upgraded while working on another project, hence we pin everything with stack.yaml. This file is less useful to users, who may have external constraints (typically, versions are already fixed by some distribution).

  • 在许多情况下,只需在stack.yaml中指定解析器即可.因此,新的stack用户通常无需担心配置stack.yaml.

  • In many cases, just specifying the resolver in stack.yaml is enough. Hence new stack users usually don't need to worry about configuring stack.yaml.


A resolver specifies a curated set of packages with specific versions (the standard ones are listed on stackage.org). If a dependency of the package is missing from the chosen resolver, then it must be listed in the extra-deps field of stack.yaml.


A project can span multiple packages, that thus get added to the packages field of stack.yaml, so they can be built in a single common environment and depend on each other.


Another common use case is to create many stack.yaml (with different names) to easily test various configurations (e.g., GHC versions or package flags).


09-05 08:29