不知怎的,我的iPhone模拟器无法播放声音。首先一个应用程序我正在使用 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound()
Somehow my iPhone Simulator is unable to play sounds. First an app I'm working on using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound()
stopped working.. I spent a while debugging this but sound is still working on the iPhone when I run the app on the device. I get the same results with other iPhone apps such as the sample Crash Landing app.
我找不到一个声音在模拟器或X code preferences任何地方设置。我试图通过重置内容和设置菜单项无济于事重置模拟器。
I can't find a sound setting anywhere in the simulator or Xcode preferences. I've tried resetting the simulator through "Reset Content and Settings" menu item to no avail.
On your Mac, go to System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects and then uncheck and recheck "Play user interface sound effects".
You need to re-activate your system sounds, see the end of that pagehttp://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8883401