




#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 0.9, 10, 'C');


10, 0.900000, 67


0, 10.0, 67




现代的调用约定将寄存器用于前几个参数,甚至对于可变参数函数也可以使用寄存器.在x86-64上,约定可以例如是始终可以在浮点寄存器xmm0中预期可变参数函数的第一个浮点参数,而整数参数则在通用寄存器%rdi中传递, %rsi%rdx,…的效果是printf("%f %d", 1, 1.0)打印浮点参数,后跟整数参数.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
  printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 0.9, 10, 'C');

  printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 10, 0.9, 'C');

这是我的编译器(在Mac OS X 10.6上为Clang)编译程序的方式:

leaq <memory location of format string>, %rbx

movq    %rbx, %rdi
movsd   <memory location of 0.9 constant>, %xmm0
movl    $10, %esi
movl    $67, %edx
movb    $1, %al
callq   _printf

movq    %rbx, %rdi
movl    $10, %esi
movsd   <memory location of 0.9 constant>, %xmm0
movl    $67, %edx
movb    $1, %al
callq   _printf



同样,printf("%d %f", 0.9, 10)是未定义的行为,在任何情况下都不应使用它.

I have a small question.I have this piece of code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 0.9, 10, 'C');

And the output is this:

10, 0.900000, 67

But I would have expected:

0, 10.0, 67

But it looks like the printf searches for the corresponding type in the expressions (int and float are turned)Could anyone help me with this problem?Thank you very much!


When the format string does not match the types of the arguments in order, the behavior is undefined. Anything can happen. You cannot expect anything (and I do not see why you would expect 0. Maybe you expect printf to use the format string to convert the arguments between floating-point and integer. It just doesn't. It's a variadic function like you could write your own, and the fact that the format string encodes the types of the trailing arguments is not used to convert them).

Modern calling conventions use registers for the first few arguments, and can use registers even for variadic functions. On x86-64, the convention can be for instance that the first floating-point argument to a variadic function can always be expected in the floating-point register xmm0, whereas integer arguments are passed in general-purpose registers %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, … This has the effect that printf("%f %d", 1, 1.0) prints the floating-point argument followed by the integer argument.

As an illustration, here is a short program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
  printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 0.9, 10, 'C');

  printf("%d, %f, %d\n", 10, 0.9, 'C');

This is how my compiler (Clang on Mac OS X 10.6) compiles the program:

leaq <memory location of format string>, %rbx

movq    %rbx, %rdi
movsd   <memory location of 0.9 constant>, %xmm0
movl    $10, %esi
movl    $67, %edx
movb    $1, %al
callq   _printf

movq    %rbx, %rdi
movl    $10, %esi
movsd   <memory location of 0.9 constant>, %xmm0
movl    $67, %edx
movb    $1, %al
callq   _printf


It is clear that the two calls produce the same result. But in the case of one, it is accidental and only "works" for this particular compiler version and ABI, whereas the other one respects the standard and has to work anywhere.

Again, printf("%d %f", 0.9, 10) is undefined behavior and you should not use it in any circumstances.


09-05 08:26