

我使用DHowett的Theos对应用程序和移动基板进行了调整. Tweak是应用程序的子项目.我在iPhone上进行了测试,一切正常.然后,我制作了一个Cydia存储库,并将项目加载到其中.问题是,当我从Cydia安装应用程序调整项时,它不会重新启动iPhone.它只是显示按钮返回Cydia".因此,我必须手动重新启动iPhone才能使其正常工作.我在每个项目中都有2个控制文件,我建议我必须以某种方式更改它们,但我不知道如何:

I made application and mobilesubstrate tweak using Theos by DHowett. Tweak is a subproject of application. I tested it on my iPhone, everything works fine. Then I made a Cydia repo and loaded my project to it. The problem is when I installing my application-tweak from Cydia, it doesn't respring my iPhone. It just showing button "Return to Cydia". So I have to manually respring my iPhone to make it work.I've got 2 control files in each project, I suggest that I have to change them somehow, but I don't know how:


Package: com.espe.dualtime
Name: DualTime
Depends: mobilesubstrate
Version: 1.0.3
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: Dual time zone for lockscreen
Maintainer: Danis Ziganshin
Author: Danis Ziganshin
Section: Tweaks


Package: com.espe.tweak
Name: tweak
Depends: mobilesubstrate
Version: 0.0.1
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Description: An awesome MobileSubstrate tweak!
Maintainer: Danis Ziganshin
Author: Danis Ziganshin
Section: Tweaks


我找到了解决方案.我想在仓库中将Depends: mobilesubstrate添加到Packages.gz文件中.之后,安装完成后,我就会重新振作.

I found a solution. I were suppose to add Depends: mobilesubstrate to the Packages.gz file in the repo. After that I've got respring after installation.


09-05 08:24