Let's assume we have such data set:
Table: DataTable1
ID ExperienceId LanguageId ...
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 1
5 2 2
6 2 3
7 3 1
8 3 2
9 3 3
Table: DataTable2
ID SomeId OtherId LanguageId ...
1 459 1 1
2 459 1 2
3 459 1 3
4 245 2 1
5 245 2 2
6 245 2 3
7 295 3 1
8 295 3 2
9 295 3 3
I want to join those tables and get only SomeId column ignoring the LanguageId column. To make it clearer:
t2.SomeId AS RequiredId
-- ...other data mainly from t2
FROM DataTable1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN DataTable2 AS t2
ON t2.OtherId = t1.ExperienceId
AND t2.LanguageId =
(SELECT TOP 1 t1.LanguageId
ORDER BY t1.LanguageId)
This query should return (if it wasn't wrong, clearly) rows:
SomeId ...
459 ...
245 ...
295 ...
Now it returns three times of identical data (with only LanguageId different).
如果我确定它始终存在,我会尝试使用WHERE t1.LanguageId = 1
从1到3,也只能具有ID 2,依此类推.行肯定会至少具有一个LanguageId
I would try to filter it with WHERE t1.LanguageId = 1
if I was sure it always exists, but I'm not sure. Rows can be with LanguageId
from 1 to 3, also they can be only with ID 2, etc. Rows surely will have at least one LanguageId
Wrapping it in another query does the trick?
SELECT RequiredId, <all_the_other_fields> from (
SELECT t2.SomeId AS RequiredId
-- ...other data mainly from t2
FROM DataTable1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN DataTable2 AS t2
ON t2.OtherId = t1.ExperienceId
AND t2.LanguageId =
(SELECT TOP 1 t1.LanguageId
ORDER BY t1.LanguageId)
) group by RequiredId, <all_the_other_fields>
SELECT distinct t2.SomeId AS RequiredId
-- ...other data mainly from t2 BUT not the Language id
FROM DataTable1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN DataTable2 AS t2
ON t2.OtherId = t1.ExperienceId
AND t2.LanguageId =
(SELECT TOP 1 t1.LanguageId
ORDER BY t1.LanguageId)
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