




I'm trying to write a mysql query and I'm having some issues with it. I'm trying to query WooCommerce data out of my Wordpress database. Basic invoice data is stored in the wp_posts table and the rest of the data is stored in the wp_postmeta table. Now 1 inovice in the wp_posts table points to multiple items in the wp_postmeta table. Here is an example.


ID           STATUS                 Date
0001         OPEN                   01/01/2000
0002         OPEN                   01/01/2000
0003         CLOSED                 01/02/2000



ID        POST_ID               META_KEY                META_VALUE
0001      0001                  CustomerLN              Test
0002      0001                  CustomerFN              Tester
0003      0001                  Payment_Type            PayPal
0004      0001                  Invoice_Total           $200
0005      0002                  CustomerLN              Doe
0006      0002                  CustomerFN              John
0007      0002                  Payment_Type            CC-Mastercard
0008      0002                  Invoice_Total           $1000


I've got a basic query that pulls the data in from the wp_posts table but I can't figure out how to pull data from the second table based on the META_KEY value.


Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.


欢迎使用 实体-属性-值 世界.

Welcome to the Entity-Attribute-Value world.


To have a normal representation of the resultset you might need not only JOIN these two tables but also PIVOT the resultset. You can do that with a query like

SELECT p.id, p.status,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'CustomerLN'
                THEN m.meta_value END) customer_last_name,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'CustomerFN'
                THEN m.meta_value END) customer_firt_name,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'Payment_Type'
                THEN m.meta_value END) payment_type,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'Invoice_Total'
                THEN m.meta_value END) invoice_total
 FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m
   ON p.id = m.post_id
 GROUP BY p.id, p.status


| id   | status | customer_last_name | customer_firt_name | payment_type  | invoice_total |
|    1 | OPEN   | Test               | Tester             | PayPal        | $200          |
|    2 | OPEN   | Doe                | John               | CC-Mastercard | $1000         |
|    3 | CLOSED | NULL               | NULL               | NULL          | NULL          |

这里是 SQLFiddle 演示

Here is SQLFiddle demo


Now to be able to filter your records based on meta keys and meta values you'll have to use HAVING clause

例如,如果您要获取由客户Jhon Doe开具的发票

For example if you want to get invoices made by customer Jhon Doe

SELECT p.id, p.status,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'CustomerLN'
                THEN m.meta_value END) customer_last_name,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'CustomerFN'
                THEN m.meta_value END) customer_first_name,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'Payment_Type'
                THEN m.meta_value END) payment_type,
       MAX(CASE WHEN m.meta_key = 'Invoice_Total'
                THEN m.meta_value END) invoice_total
 FROM wp_posts p LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta m
   ON p.id = m.post_id
 GROUP BY p.id, p.status
HAVING customer_last_name = 'Doe'
   AND customer_first_name = 'John'


| id   | status | customer_last_name | customer_first_name | payment_type  | invoice_total |
|    2 | OPEN   | Doe                | John                | CC-Mastercard | $1000         |

这里是 SQLFiddle 演示

Here is SQLFiddle demo


09-05 07:01