

我调试一个ASP.NET网站使用C#在Visual Studio中。当我设置一个断点(在调试过程中),随着时间的推移,创建的断点会积累很多的孩子断点。 (请参阅这里。)

I'm debugging an ASP.NET Website with C# in Visual Studio. When I set a breakpoint (during debug), over time, the created breakpoint will accumulate many child breakpoints. (See here.)
Now, sometimes when I remove a breakpoint by clicking the red glyph, the breakpoint will still be hit the next time the line is executed, because the child breakpoints persisted.
Removing the breakpoint in the breakpoint window will resolve the problem, but it's annoying the find the breakpoint when you have many set. Also, the removal of a breakpoint with many children is quite a slow operation.

替代性的解决方案AP preciated!

So to get to the question, can I disable this creation of child breakpoints, or is there a way to quickly remove all children?
Alternative solutions are appreciated!

请注意,这不是此重复:Question如何删除一个Visual Studio断点,因为我询问如何处理孩子的断点。 (虽然我们的预期目标是一致的。)

Please note that this isn't a duplicate of this: Question on how to remove a Visual Studio Breakpoint, because I'm asking how to deal with the child breakpoints. (Although our intended goal is the same.)



The following code can be used as a macro to remove all the child breakpoints.

Sub RemoveChildBreakpoints()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim len As Integer
    Dim debugger As EnvDTE.Debugger = DTE.Debugger
    Dim children As EnvDTE.Breakpoints
    For Each bp As EnvDTE.Breakpoint In debugger.Breakpoints
        children = bp.Children
        len = children.Count
        For i = len To 1 Step -1
End Sub


It's still insanely slow if you have many breakpoints, so it's best to do run it on a regular basis if you're having a problem with child breakpoints.


09-05 06:42