我正在尝试对 Bitmex 执行 POST 操作,以 4009.9 的价格购买 1 个名为 XBTUSD(比特币/美元)的合约,到期时间为 1545674400(UNIX 时间戳,几个小时后),我们需要进行身份验证.这看起来很简单.
I'm trying to make a POST action on Bitmex to buy 1 contract called XBTUSD (bitcoin/usd) at price 4009.9, with expiring time 1545674400 (UNIX timestamp, a couple hours from now) and we need to be authenticated. This looks simple.
我们正在使用 API,我们是用 R 编写的.(api-secret 是假的,抱歉!!!)
We are using API and we are writing in R. (api-secret is fake sorry!!!)
我们需要在签名中使用 hmac 转换我们的请求,使其成为基数为 16 的数字.
We need to transform our request with hmac in a signature to make it a number in base 16.
We try to define our signature
signature=hmac("Kjxd5H5sPnBq6oXmnKrQAbKPIAXuKsInHRmD9CF2Dh3-4I6j", 'POST/api/v1/order1545674400{"symbol":"XBTUSD","price":4009.0,"orderQty":1}', algo = "sha256")
POST("https://www.bitmex.com/api/v1/order",body = 'POST/api/v1/order1545674400{"symbol":"XBTUSD","price":4009.0,"orderQty":1}',add_headers("api-key":"R1IdBlJD0-fCXypR2TTQVCF6", "api-signature":signature))
or similar stuff, and we get
403 或 401
I don't understand what's wrong. I'm able make requests which don't need authentication, but not those with it!
乍一看,您似乎忘记了标题中的 'api-expires' 参数.对我有用的方法是,该主体是一个命名列表(如果您使用的是 httr 包),在POST"函数调用中带有附加参数:encode = 'json'.
from the first glance, you seem to have forgotten 'api-expires' parameter among headers.Method that works for me is, that body is a named list (if you are using httr package) with aditional parameter inside 'POST' function call: encode = 'json'.
If you want to see what the errors mean in more detail, do the following:
msg = POST(....)rawToChar(msg$content)
msg = POST(....)rawToChar(msg$content)
这篇关于在 R 中使用身份验证的 API POST的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!