



请考虑以下示例.类A具有private const SOMETHING,但类b具有protected const SOMETHING.

Consider the example below. Class a has private const SOMETHING, but class b has protected const SOMETHING.

class a {
    private const SOMETHING = 'This is a!';

    public static function outputSomething() {
        return static::SOMETHING ?? self::SOMETHING;

class b extends a {
    protected const SOMETHING = 'This is b!';

echo (new b())::outputSomething();


This is b!


But now if I comment out the definition for SOMETHING in class b, an error is thrown:

class a {
    private const SOMETHING = 'This is a!';

    public static function outputSomething() {
        return static::SOMETHING ?? self::SOMETHING;

class b extends a {
    //protected const SOMETHING = 'This is b!';

echo (new b())::outputSomething();


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private const b::SOMETHING in {file}.php:7

但是,将A类的可见性从private const SOMETHING更改为protected const SOMETHING可以解决此问题.

However, changing the visibility from private const SOMETHING to protected const SOMETHING in class a fixes this.

class a {
    protected const SOMETHING = 'This is a!';

    public static function outputSomething() {
        return static::SOMETHING ?? self::SOMETHING;

class b extends a {
    //protected const SOMETHING = 'This is b!';

echo (new b())::outputSomething();


This is a!

我不明白为什么php在应用空合并运算符之前会评估b :: SOMETHING,根据文档:

I don't understand why php is evaluating b::SOMETHING prior to applying the null coalescing operator, which according to the documentation:

由于未设置b :: SOMETHING,为什么第一个示例不起作用,并且基类中的常量需要一致的可见性?

Since b::SOMETHING is not set, why doesn't the first example work and a consistent visibility is required for the constant in the base class?



Thanks to @Devon and @Dormilich for their responses.

TL; DR:您不能将空合并运算符(??)与常量一起使用.您必须改为使用defined().

TL;DR: You can't use the null coalescing operator (??) with constants. You have to use defined() instead.


表示$x ?? $yisset($x) ? $x : $y的简写.这就是问题所在,因为 isset文档明确指出:

Meaning that $x ?? $y is shorthand for isset($x) ? $x : $y. And this is where the problem lies, because the documentation for isset explicitly states:


That's what throws the fatal php error I describe in the question. Instead, a solution would be to do away with the null coalescing operator and replace it with defined():

class a {
    private const SOMETHING = 'This is a!';

    public static function outputSomething() {
        return defined('static::SOMETHING') ? static::SOMETHING : self::SOMETHING;

class b extends a {
    //protected const SOMETHING = 'This is b!';

echo (new b())::outputSomething();


A second solution is to change how the code works in the first place. As @Devon correctly points out, the private visibility of a::SOMETHING prevents class b from seeing it, so b::SOMETHING is not defined. However, when the visibility of a::SOMETHING is changed to protected, class b can see it and b::SOMETHING references it. This code doesn't need the null coalescing operator at all, and can just use static::SOMETHING without any conditional:

class a {
    protected const SOMETHING = 'This is a!';

    public static function outputSomething() {
        return static::SOMETHING;

class b extends a {
    //protected const SOMETHING = 'This is b!';

echo (new b())::outputSomething();


09-05 06:19