We need to enable some partners to work with us on some java projects, and we need to provide them with the ant build scripts.
However, if possible, we want to encrypt the ant build files (build.xml etc.) so that partners can do the build, but they cannot see the actual ant file content (I know it's weird).
什么好的建议是AP preciated。 (我们是在Windows中)
Any good suggestions are appreciated. (we are on the Windows box)
Ant itself does not allow you to encrypt the build scripts (nor does any other build system AFAIK). What you can do is create a custom wrapper around Ant that will store the build script in an encrypted form, decrypt it during execution and pass the decrypted script to the Ant API. Then you can deliver that wrapper to your partners.
(给一个人源$ C $ C到您的系统,但加密构建脚本似乎是做了一个非常奇怪的事情。如果只在构建脚本一些具体的数据是敏感的,你可能想只专注于保护这些数据,使用一些其他的方法。)
(Giving someone the source code to your system but encrypting the build script seems to be an extremely weird thing to do. If only some specific data in the build script is sensitive, you may want to focus on protecting only this data, using some other approach.)