I've a requirement like dragable tree in my project.I've successfully converted mssql resultset to json.
But the end user is again dragging and dropping and totally changed the tree structure.Now I have the below json from the client.
"id": 1,
"title": "1. dragon-breath",
"items": [
"id": 10,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1",
"items": [
"id": 100,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2",
"items": [
"id": 1000,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2.3",
"items": [],
"pos": 3
"pos": 2
"id": 101,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2",
"items": [],
"pos": 2
"pos": 1
"pos": 1
"id": 102,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2",
"items": [
"id": 1020,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2.1",
"items": [],
"pos": 1
"pos": 2
"id": 1021,
"title": "1. dragon-breath.1.2.1",
"items": [],
"pos": 1
上面的json"pos"属性用于MSSQL Hierarchyid值.
From the above json "pos" property is for MSSQL Hierarchyid value.
I am trying to regenerate the hierarchy id of each element, when this json posted back from the client.
I am requesting you people to help me. (spend 2 days no luck)
在您发布到另一个SO问题的链接,然后是评论的链接之后,我看到您正在使用MSSQL hierarchyid
Following the link you posted to the other SO question, and then a link from a comment, I see you are using the MSSQL hierarchyid
data type (hint: it might have helped if you been a bit clearer about that in your question ;)
From the online help I see there is a Parse function, which takes a string.
的形式为每个元素构建字符串,并将这些字符串以及关联的节点传递回数据库 id
So you need to traverse your JSON tree structure, building strings for each element in the form /1/1/3/
for example, and pass those back to your database along with the associated node id