

本文介绍了自定义扩展方法可简化LINQ to SQL语句的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a snippet of LINQ code that I need to use in a lot of queries

let catchmentId = Convert.ToInt32(
        phy.PhysicalProperty_binData.Substring(offset + 3, 1) +
        phy.PhysicalProperty_binData.Substring(offset + 2, 1) +
        phy.PhysicalProperty_binData.Substring(offset + 1, 1) +
        phy.PhysicalProperty_binData.Substring(offset, 1))


This translates well to SQL (and is more than performant for my specific needs), but makes my queries look ugly. Is there any way I can make this less verbose? Perhaps an extension method that returns an Expression> ? Note that I don't want to fetch the data to the client side (run it on the server as SQL), which makes things a little more complicated. For example:

let catchmentId = phy.PhysicalProperty_binData.AnExtensionMethodHere<int>(offset)


I tried writing an extension method that does this, but the provider simply ignores that call or throws an exception stating it doesn't know how to translate that call to SQL. Can we somehow extend the SQL generator to do this for us or provide it something in a way that will generate the same SQL?




The links on this page will show you how you can use custom attributes to tie your extension method to a user-defined function in your database.


Of course, that will mean that you need to create a user-defined function in SQL to do the same logic that your extension method wants to do.

另一种选择是让您的扩展方法产生一个Expression,并使用 LINQKit 来分析查询树,找到对该表达式的.Compile()调用,并在查询中内联该表达式.

Another option is to have your extension method produce an Expression, and use LINQKit to parse through the query tree, finding the call to .Compile() off of that expression, and inlining that expression in the query.

这篇关于自定义扩展方法可简化LINQ to SQL语句的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 04:49