在 Woocommerce API 中,我看到了一个方法 wc_get_orders
In the Woocommerce API I see a method wc_get_orders
在上述参数中,我没有看到可以提供产品 ID 或对象来限制仅针对该特定产品的订单结果的参数.
In the mentioned args I do not see an argument in which I could provide a product ID or Object to limit order results only for that specific product.
Is there a way I could filter orders only for specific products?
I need to use this method since some arguments are necessary
已编辑此功能不存在,但可以构建.因此,下面的函数将返回给定产品 ID 的所有订单 ID 的数组,从而进行正确的 SQL 查询:
EditedThis function doesn't exist, but it can be built. So the function below will return an array of all orders IDs for a given product ID, making the right SQL query:
* Get All orders IDs for a given product ID.
* @param integer $product_id (required)
* @param array $order_status (optional) Default is 'wc-completed'
* @return array
function get_orders_ids_by_product_id( $product_id, $order_status = array( 'wc-completed' ) ){
global $wpdb;
$results = $wpdb->get_col("
SELECT order_items.order_id
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_items as order_items
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta as order_item_meta ON order_items.order_item_id = order_item_meta.order_item_id
LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS posts ON order_items.order_id = posts.ID
WHERE posts.post_type = 'shop_order'
AND posts.post_status IN ( '" . implode( "','", $order_status ) . "' )
AND order_items.order_item_type = 'line_item'
AND order_item_meta.meta_key = '_product_id'
AND order_item_meta.meta_value = '$product_id'
return $results;
USAGE 1(对于给定的产品 ID 37
USAGE 1 (for a given product ID 37
and default Completed orders status):
$orders_ids = get_orders_ids_by_product_id( 37 );
// The output (for testing)
print_r( $orders_ids );
USAGE 2(对于给定的产品 ID 37
USAGE 2 (for a given product ID 37
and some defined orders statuses):
// Set the orders statuses
$statuses = array( 'wc-completed', 'wc-processing', 'wc-on-hold' );
$orders_ids = get_orders_ids_by_product_id( 37, $statuses );
// The output (for testing)
print_r( $orders_ids );
代码位于活动子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件或任何插件文件中.
This code is tested and works.