我写了一个python类来显示和设置二进制搜索树的动画.但是,由pyDot edge和node命令生成的图形似乎不允许我控制连接树的每个元素的箭头的角度或方向.
I wrote a python class to display and animate binary search trees. Yet the graphs produced by the pyDot edge and node commands don't seem to allow me to control the angle or direction of the arrows connecting each element of my tree.
There are lots of controls for shape of the nodes but there does not seem to be any control for angle of the lines. I was hoping to find some kind of minimum angle parameter to add to my edges as they are added to the graph?
This is a sample of my code where I draw nodes using the edge command:
def draw(parent_name, child_name):
# color for lines = red
edge = pydot.Edge(parent_name, child_name, color="#ff0000")
The end result is that my graphs for binary search trees don't look like the traditional tree structures when several nodes have only one child.
这里是指向我的项目的链接,您可以在其中看到其他有效的结果: http://www.embeddedcomponents.com/blogs/2013/12/visualizing-software-tree-structures/
Here is a link to my project where you can see the otherwise working results:http://www.embeddedcomponents.com/blogs/2013/12/visualizing-software-tree-structures/
it is not possible to directly control edges angels using the dot language, but adding invisible edges can give you the result you want, see an example here that generates the following graph: