


We are given a graph G(V,E) with N nodes (Numbered from 0 to N-1) and exactly (N-1) two-way Edges.


Each edge in a graph has a positive cost C(u,v)(Edge weight).


The entire graph is such that there is a unique path between any pair of Nodes.

我们也给出一个List 的节点号,在该炸弹被放置。

We are also given a List L of node number,at which bomb are placed.

我们的目标是为破坏/删除边缘从图中这样,那以后破坏性/从图中移除边,有炸弹之间没有连接 -

Our aim is to damage/remove the edge from the graph such ,that after damaging/removing the edges from the graph ,there is no connection among the Bombs --


损坏边缘的成本(U,V) = 边缘重量(U,V)



Total Nodes=N=5
Total Bomb=Size of List L=3

List L={2,4,0}//Thats is at node number 2,4 and 0 bomb is placed...

Total Edges =N-1=4 edges are::

u v Edge-Weight

2 1 8

1 0 5

2 4 5

1 3 4

In this case the answer is ::
Total Damaging cost =(Edge Weight (2,4) + Edge Weight(0,1))

So when we remove the edge connecting node (2,4),
and the edge connecting node (0,1) ,there is no connection left
between any pair of machines in List {2,4,0};

Note any other,combinations of edges(that  we damaged ) to achieve the
target goal ,needs more than 10 unit cost.

N(ie. Number of Nodes) <= 100,000
ListSize |L|(ie. Number of Bombs) <= N
1 <=Edge cost(u,v) <= 1000,000



Until now, I had not found any efficient way :( .

此外,由于节点数量为 N ,边数恰好是 N-1 和整个图形就是这样存在任何对节点之间的唯一路径,我得到一个结论,即的图是一个的乔木

Further, as the number of nodes is N, the number of edges is exactly N-1 and the entire graph is such there is a Unique path between any pair of Nodes, I got a conclusion that the graph is a TREE.


I tried to modify the Kruskal algorithm but that didn't help me either.



这是树多路切的问题。它可以在多项式时间通过一个简单的动态规划来解决。见Chopra和饶:在多路切多面体,网络21(1): 51-89,1991。

This is the Multiway Cut problem in trees. It can be solved in polynomial time by a straightforward dynamic programming. See Chopra and Rao: "On the multiway cut polyhedron", Networks 21(1):51–89, 1991.


09-05 04:28