以下文档页面说,不建议对Solr / Hadoop节点使用vnode:
The following documentation pages say that it is not recommended to use vnodes for Solr/Hadoop nodes:
What is the exact problem with using vnodes for these node types? I inherited a DSE setup wherein the Search nodes all use vnodes, and I wonder if I should take down the cluster and disable vnodes. Is there any harm in leaving vnodes enabled in such a case?
这主要是DSE / Search的性能问题,因为查询需要在内部散布到足够多的节点(或vnode)以覆盖DC中的Cassandra行的全部范围,启用vnode时会有更多子查询。
It is primarily a performance concern with DSE/Search since a query needs to fan out internally to enough nodes (or vnodes) to cover the full range of Cassandra rows in the DC, that's a lot more sub-queries when vnodes are enabled.
但是,如果您在DSE / Search DC中使用vnode的性能可以接受,那么您就不必担心。
But, if your performance with vnodes in a DSE/Search DC is acceptable, then you have nothing to worry about.
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