

本文介绍了分配给我的项目的 Asana API的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



For Tasks assigned to me, I see how I can do

curl -u <api_key>: "https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks?workspace=14916&assignee=me"

我正在尝试制作一个快速页面,为我分解我当前的任务和指向 Asana 的链接,以便我可以拥有自己的快速仪表板.

I am trying to make a quick page that breaks down my current tasks and links to Asana for me, so I can have my own quick dashboard.

我有我的 API 密钥

I have my API Key

  • 它列出了我所在的所有工作区.
  • 如果我点击一个工作区,它会显示该空间内的所有项目
  • 如果我单击一个项目,我只想查看该项目内分配给我的任务.

  • It lists all Workspaces I am a part of.
  • If I click a Workspace it shows all Projects inside of that space
  • If I click a Project I want to see only the Tasks that have been assigned to me inside of that Project.

如果我将项目 ID 添加到上述调用中,它会将项目中的每个项目都发回给我,而不仅仅是分配给我的项目.

If I add the Project ID to that above call, it sends me back every item in the Project, not just those assigned to me.



注意:我会添加 Asana 标签,但它似乎还不存在.


我也遇到了这个问题 - 查询任务时似乎无法展开项目 - 并且无法按项目获取任务...前者实际上是首选,因为如果您可以扩展项目,您可以按项目提供任务列表.

I'm having trouble with this too - it seems you can't expand projects when querying tasks - and you can't get tasks by project... The former is actually preferred since you could provide a task list by project if you could expand on project.

实际上,您可以获取任务列表,然后循环并通过任务 ID 获取完整任务,但这需要一些时间...

As it is, you can get a list of tasks, then loop through and get the full task by task-id, but that takes a while...

这篇关于分配给我的项目的 Asana API的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 04:11