我想知道如果任何Yii2专家能帮助我了解如何最佳使用Ajax的形式结合的Yii AJAX验证工作。我想我不会带你通过我的所有code能说明问题。
I'm wondering if any Yii2 experts can help me understand how best to work with ajax forms combined with Yii ajax validation. I think I can explain the issue without taking you through all of my code.
I am working on a Promo Code entry form where the user enters their promo code into the form, the form is submit via ajax. We then perform a database lookup for the promo code details, validate the code and if the code validates, we want to display the registration form that is hidden on the page.
I have a custom validation function for the form field "code", which is the active field in a model scenario named "register".
class UserCode extends ActiveRecord
public function scenarios()
return [
'register' => ['code'],
public function rules()
return [
[['code'], 'required'],
[['code'], 'validateUserCode', 'on' => ['register']],
public function validateUserCode($attribute, $params)
// perform all my custom logic to determine if the code is valid
if ($code_invalid) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'Sorry, this code is invalid.');
Then in the controller, as the Yii2 Guide suggests, I trap this ajax validation with the following code:
public function actionValidate() {
$model = new UserCode(['scenario' => 'register']);
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ActiveForm::validate($model);
// no logic can be run after the above code b/c the form is submit with ajax
// and therefore always trapped in the Yii::$app->request->isAjax conditional
以上code一切工作正常,如果我从 $形式 - &GT移除焦点;场($模式,'code')
The above code all works fine and if I remove focus from the $form->field($model, 'code')
field on my form, Yii's ajax validation kicks in and displays my custom error message based off of my custom validation logic.
当我去提交表单我的挑战出现。该表单提交通过AJAX也处理的,因此控制器动作总是返回的ActiveForm ::验证($模式)的结果;
,因为如果(Yii的:: $ APP->请求 - > isAjax和放大器;&安培; $建模>负载(的Yii :: $ APP->请求 - >后期()))
My challenge arises when I go to submit the form. The form submission is also handled through ajax, and therefore the controller action always returns the result of the ActiveForm::validate($model);
because if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()))
will get apply to both the ajax form validation AND on the form submit.
With the above approach, I am forced to return only the results of the ajax validation and not any json data that I may need for additional client side validation, such as displaying the registration form after a valid use code is submitted through the ajax form.
上的ActiveForm,然后返回如果(的Yii :: $ APP-&GT在我自己的JSON数据;请求 - > isAjax和放大器;&安培; $建模>负载(Yii的:: $ APP->请求 - >后期()))
I realize that I can set 'enableAjaxValidation' => false
on the ActiveForm and then return my own json data inside the if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()))
condition. If I do this, I am able to show the registration form because I have my own json data to work with.
Is there a way to have ajax validation on a form that is submitted with ajax? How could you trap the ajax validation separately from the ajax form submission to handle the two events in different manners?
任何建议或其他方法都大大AP preciated!
Any suggestions or alternate approaches are GREATLY appreciated!
您应该建立 validationUrl
用不同的URL相比,您所提交表单的网址。通过这种方式,你可以有验证功能将验证并返回返回的ActiveForm ::验证($模式);
You should set up validationUrl
with a different URL compared to the URL that you are submitting the form to. In this way you can have the validation function that would validate and return the return ActiveForm::validate($model);
and the normal submit form that does something else.
您可以阅读更多关于 validationUrl
You can read more about validationUrl