

我正在使用FluentNHibernate,并且有记录列表,映射到SQL Server 2008视图.对我来说,脏读是可以的,不锁定表是优先事项.

I am using FluentNHibernate, and I have a list of records, mapped to an SQL Server 2008 view. Dirty reads are OK with me, not locking the tables is a priority.


The SQL Query inside the view, does not have any with (nolock), however, I am using the following approach...

using (var txScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress, new TransactionOptions() { IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted }))
   ... The reading of records from the view is done here, through Fluent NHibernate...


Does setting the isolation level at application layer to read uncommitted, apply with (nolock) to the queries which are generated within that context?




Just defining the TransactionScope does not define that any read or write will be invoked within a transaction.


To run something within a transaction, you still have to open and commit a transaction!


The TransactionOptions of the TransactionScope for Timeout and IsolationLevel just define the defaults for any transaction created within the scope without those options explicitly set. Actually the TransactionScope does create a Transaction but it will not be active without opening a new Transaction. Internally this will do some complex stuff, cloning the transaction etc... so lets ignore this...

如果没有事务,则无法定义隔离级别,任何select语句都将使用IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted运行,因为这是SQL Server的默认设置.

Without a transaction you cannot define the isolation level, any select statement will be run with IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted because this is the default of SQL Server.


You can also query session.Transaction.IsActive to see if a transaction is currently active for the session!


Lets have a look at the following code, I put some comments to make it a little bit more clear

using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
                    new TransactionOptions()
                        IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted

    using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
        // outside any transaction...
        var x = session.Transaction.IsActive; // false;

        // read will be done with SQL Server default (ReadCommited)
        var pp = session.Query<Page>().Where(p => p.Photos.Count() > 1).ToList();

        using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
            // will use ReadUncommitted according to the scope
            var y = session.Transaction.IsActive; // true;

            var p1 = session.Get<Page>(1);

        using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted))
            // will use ReadCommitted according to the transaction initialization
            var y = session.Transaction.IsActive; // true;

            var p1 = session.Get<Page>(1);



您还可以使用SQL Server Profiler观察SQL Server对这些设置的反应.

You can also watch how SQL Server reacts to those settings by using the SQL Server Profiler.

只需创建一个新的跟踪并注意Audit Login事件,该事件的文本将包括隔离级别,您可以看到每次创建事务时它实际上都会执行Audit Login,例如

Just create a new Trace and watch out for the Audit Login event, the text of the event will include the isolation level and you can see that it actually does a Audit Login each time a transaction is created, for example

 set transaction isolation level read uncommitted




09-05 02:51