实体用户(idU,NameU =属性)
实体设备(idD,名称D =属性)
@IBAction func addDeviceBoutonAction(sender: AnyObject){
var nbCharacteres = Int((newDeviceNameTextField.text?.characters.count)!)
如果currentUserName == {
print( Erreur creation device / newDeviceNameTextField)
否则,如果nbCharacteres == 0 {
print( Erreur creation device / newDeviceNameTextField = Vide-> Abort)
// init du MOC
let MOC =(UIApplication.sharedApplication()。delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext
上//遍历变量全局变量currentUserName进行初始化,或者在didSelectRow du pickerViewUser中)
let fetchRequestUser = NSFetchRequest(entityName: User)
print( Creation device / trace currentUserName = \(currentUserName))
让userPredicate = NSPredicate(格式: userName ==%@,currentUserName)
fetchRequestUser。谓词= userPredicate
var requestError:NSError?
让existingUser =(尝试!MOC.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequestUser))为! [用户]
print(创建设备/跟踪现存用户[0] .userName = \(existingUser [0] .userName))
// ilaut passer par l'ID plutot que le nom
// firstUserFound类型的用户
让firstUserFound =现有用户[0]
print(创建设备firstUserFound = \(firstUserFound))
//插入d'un nouveau Device dans la base(与设备和用户之间的关系)
let existingDevicesForThisUser = firstUserFound.mutableSetValueForKey( device)
让newDevice = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName( Device,inManagedObjectContext:MOC)为!设备
//如果让newDevice = createRecordForEntity( Device,inManagedObjectContext:MOC){
newDevice.setValue(NSUUID()。UUIDString,forKey: deviceId )
newDevice.setValue(newDeviceNameTextField.text,forKey: deviceName)
newDeviceNameTextField.text =
// newDevice。 setValue( Device \(newDevice.count + 1),forKey: deviceId)
print( avant relationshiphips)
newDevice.setValue(firstUserFound, forKey:用户)
创建设备/跟踪currentUserName = toto
创建设备/跟踪existingUser [0] .userName =可选( toto)
创建设备firstUserFound =(实体:User; id:0xd000000000080000;数据:{
devices =;
userId = 8A32E AC6-87E2-4CF1-8265-5E7A32ABCEBB;
userName = toto;
2016-04-02 13:55:13.065 testcoredatarelationships [ 1568:370426] *由于未捕获的异常'NSInvalidArgumentException'而终止应用程序,原因:'多对多关系的值的不可接受类型:property = users;所需的类型= NSSet;给定类型= testcoredatarelationships.User;值=(实体:用户; ID:0xd000000000080000;数据:{
userId = 8A32EAC6-87E2-4CF1-8265-5E7A32ABCEBB;
userName = toto;
* 第一个调用堆栈:
newDevice.setValue(firstUserFound ,forKey:用户)
@ NSManaged var deviceId:字符串?
@NSManaged var deviceName:字符串?
@NSManaged var卡:NSSet?
** @ NSManaged var用户:NSSet吗?**
Still in trouble with core data relationships.
Example :
Entity User (idU, NameU = attributes)Entity Device (idD, NameD = attributes)
core data modelQuestion : I have a Nsset issue when i create a new device linked to user. i think it is related to the many-many relationships
still not working UPDATE :
code :
@IBAction func addDeviceBoutonAction(sender: AnyObject) {
print("Creation Device debut")
var nbCharacteres = Int((newDeviceNameTextField.text?.characters.count)!)
if currentUserName == "" {
print("Erreur creation device / currentUserName = Vide --> Abort")
else if nbCharacteres == 0 {
print("Erreur creation device / newDeviceNameTextField = Vide --> Abort")
// init du MOC
let MOC = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext
// creation de la requete sur l'entité User avec un predicat : on recupere que les infos du user selectionné dans le pickerViewUser (on
// travaille avec la variable globale currentUserName qui a été initialisée lors du didSelectRow du pickerViewUser)
let fetchRequestUser = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "User")
print("Creation device / trace currentUserName = \(currentUserName)")
let userPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "userName == %@", currentUserName)
// On colle le predicat dans la requete
fetchRequestUser.predicate = userPredicate
var requestError: NSError?
let existingUser = (try! MOC.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequestUser)) as! [User]
print("Creation device / trace existingUser[0].userName = \(existingUser[0].userName)")
// il faut passer par l'ID plutot que le nom
// firstUserFound de type User
let firstUserFound = existingUser[0]
print("Creation device firstUserFound = \(firstUserFound)")
// Insertion d'un nouveau Device dans la base (relationship n to n entre Device et User)
let existingDevicesForThisUser = firstUserFound.mutableSetValueForKey("device")
// Create Item Record
let newDevice = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Device",inManagedObjectContext: MOC) as! Device
//if let newDevice = createRecordForEntity("Device", inManagedObjectContext: MOC) {
// Set Attributes and values
newDevice.setValue(NSUUID().UUIDString, forKey: "deviceId")
newDevice.setValue(newDeviceNameTextField.text, forKey: "deviceName")
newDeviceNameTextField.text = ""
//newDevice.setValue("Device \(newDevice.count + 1)", forKey: "deviceId")
// Set Relationship
print("avant relationhips")
newDevice.setValue(firstUserFound, forKey: "users")
Error :Creation Device debut
Creation device / trace currentUserName = toto
Creation device / trace existingUser[0].userName = Optional("toto")
Creation device firstUserFound = (entity: User; id: 0xd000000000080000 ; data: { devices = ""; userId = "8A32EAC6-87E2-4CF1-8265-5E7A32ABCEBB"; userName = toto;})
avant relationhips
2016-04-02 13:55:13.065 testcoredatarelationships[1568:370426] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unacceptable type of value for to-many relationship: property = "users"; desired type = NSSet; given type = testcoredatarelationships.User; value = (entity: User; id: 0xd000000000080000 ; data: { devices = ""; userId = "8A32EAC6-87E2-4CF1-8265-5E7A32ABCEBB"; userName = toto;}).'* First throw call stack:
line which is wrong :newDevice.setValue(firstUserFound, forKey: "users")
extension Device {
@NSManaged var deviceId: String?
@NSManaged var deviceName: String?
@NSManaged var cards: NSSet?
**@NSManaged var users: NSSet?**
You're using a many to many relationship so the easiest way to get jacks devices is to get jack (with a fetch request) and then to ask it for its devices. This navigates the relationship so you don't need another fetch.
It's possible to directly fetch devices who have a relationship to a user with a specific name but it's more complicated to do that.
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