本文介绍了选择最好的主键 + 编号系统的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在尝试为我们正在创建的资产系统提出一个编号系统,办公室里就这个话题进行了一些激烈的讨论,所以我决定咨询 SO 的专家.

We are trying to come up with a numbering system for the asset system that we are creating, there has been a few heated discussions on this topic in the office so I decided to ask the experts of SO.


Considering the database design below what would be the better option.

示例 1: 使用自动代理键.

=================   ==================
Road_Number(PK)     Segment_Number(PK)
=================   ==================
 1                   1

示例 2: 使用程序生成的 PK

Example 2: Using program generated PK

=================   ==================
Road_Number(PK)     Segment_Number(PK)
=================   ==================
 "RD00000001WCK"     "00000001.1"

(00000001.1 表示它是道路的第一路段.每次添加新路段时增加,例如 00000001.2)

(the 00000001.1 means it's the first segment of the road. This increases everytime you add a new segment e.g. 00000001.2)

示例 3:两者兼用(添加新列)

=======================    ==========================
ID(PK) Road_Number(UK)     ID(PK)  Segment_Number(UK)
=======================    ==========================
 1     "RD00000001WCK"       1       "00000001.1"


Just a bit of background information, we will be using the Road Number and Segment Number in reports and other documents, so they have to be unique.

我一直喜欢保持简单,所以我更喜欢示例 1,但我一直在读到你不应该在报告/文档中公开你的主键.所以现在我更多地按照示例 3 的思路思考.

I have always liked keeping things simple so I prefer example 1, but I have been reading that you should not expose your primary keys in reports/documents. So now I'm thinking more along the lines of example 3.

我也倾向于示例 3,因为如果我们决定更改资产编号的生成方式,则不必对主键进行级联更新.

I am also leaning towards example 3 because if we decide to change how our asset numbering is generated it won't have to do cascade updates on a primary key.


What do you think we should do?



Thanks everyone for the great answers, has help me a lot.



This is really a discussion about surrogate (also called technical or synthetic) vs natural primary keys, a subject that has been extensively covered. I covered this in Database Development Mistakes Made by AppDevelopers.

自然键是基于外部有意义的数据(表面上)独一无二的.常见例子是产品代码,两个字母的状态代码(美国),社会安全号码等等.代理或技术主键是那些具有绝对没有意义之外系统.它们的发明纯粹是为了识别实体并且是通常自动递增的字段(SQL Server、MySQL 等)或序列(最著名的是 Oracle).


In my opinion you should always use surrogate keys. This issue has come up in these questions:


Auto number fields are the way to go. If your keys have meaning outside your database (like asset numbers) those will quite possibly change and changing keys is problematic. Just use indexes for those things into the relevant tables.

这篇关于选择最好的主键 + 编号系统的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 02:30