I am new to Freebase and I have been trying to find relationships between 2 nodes without success.
For example, I want to find if there is link between Lewis Hamilton(/en/lewis_hamilton) and Formula One(/en/formula_one), which there is in real life, but I can't seem to find it.
I have tried the following MQL codes, alternating IDs as well :
"type" : "/type/link",
"source" : { "id" : "/en/lewis_hamilton" },
"master_property" : null,
"target" : { "id" : "/en/formula_one" },
"target_value" : null
我也无法使用他们的几个可以执行此操作的应用程序,因为它每次都会返回超出用户速率限制" .应用程序是:
I'm also not able to use a couple of their apps that could do this because it returns "user rate limit exceeded" every time. Apps are:
- http://between.freebaseapps.com
- http://shortestpath.freebaseapps.com
您提供的查询是正确的,只不过它们只查看相距一个链接的关系.出乎意料的是,目前没有从Lewis Hamilton到Freebase中一级方程式的道路.如果有,它可能看起来像这样:
The queries that you gave are correct except that they only look at relationships that are one link apart. Surprisingly there isn't a path from Lewis Hamilton to Formula One in Freebase right now. If there was it might look something like this:
/en/lewis_hamilton → /type/object/type → /base/formula1/formula_1_driver
/base/formula1/formula_1_driver → /type/type/domain → /base/formula1
/base/formula1 → /freebase/domain_profile/equivalent_topic → /en/formula_one
Freebase doesn't support recursive queries so there's no good way to find these multi-link paths between topics. The apps that you tried simulate recursion by generating queries with increasingly nested subqueries. Unfortunately they are out of date and missing the proper API keys to run properly right now. Here's what those nested queries look like:
"id": "/en/lewis_hamilton",
"name": null,
"/type/reflect/any_master": [{
"link": {
"master_property": null,
"target": {
"id": null,
"name": null,
"/type/reflect/any_master": [{
"link": {
"master_property": null,
"target": {
"id": "//base/formula1",
"name": null
"name": null
"name": null
这类查询可能需要很长时间才能运行,并且如果在 Freebase数据上本地运行,则可能会更好.转储.
These sorts of queries can take a long time to run and are probably better if run locally over the Freebase data dumps.