



如果我在Google Play中发布了付费应用:

If I publish a paid app in Google Play:

  • 将来,我可以通过应用内购买免费吗?(我知道一旦免费,便无法将其还原为付费应用).


If I publish a free app:

  • 是否允许删除某些功能?(例如,为了在高级应用中发布这些功能...)


Some of these changes can be unproductive, I only want to know if they is allowed, I haven't found any legal stuff about this so I suppose it is possible but.... )




  1. 确定您的应用将免费还是定价

在Google Play上,您可以免费发布应用程序,以供下载或定价.任何Android用户都可以在Google Play中下载免费的应用程序.有薪酬的应用只能由位于以下国家/地区的用户下载:支持付费下载,并已在中注册了一种付款方式Google Play,例如信用卡或直接运营商代扣.

On Google Play, you can publish apps as free to download or priced. Free apps can be downloaded by any Android user in Google Play. Paid apps can be downloaded only by users who are in a country that supports paid downloads and have registered a form of payment in Google Play, such as a credit card or Direct Carrier Billing.

确定您的应用是免费还是付费很重要,因为,在Google Play上,免费应用必须保持免费.

Deciding whether you apps will be free or paid is important because, on Google Play, free apps must remain free.

将应用发布为免费应用后,就无法将其更改为定价的应用程序.但是,您仍然可以销售应用内商品和通过Google Play的应用内结算服务订阅.如果你将您的应用发布为定价应用,您可以随时将其更改为免费的应用程序(但随后无法将其改回定价).您还可以出售应用内商品和订阅.如果您的应用程序已定价,或者如果您要销售应用内商品,则您需要设置一个Google电子钱包商户帐户,然后才能发布.

Once you publish an app as a free app, you cannot change it to being a priced app. However, you can still sell in-app products and subscriptions through Google Play's In-app Billing service. If you publish your app as a priced app, you can change it at any time to be a free app (but cannot then change it back to priced). You can also sell in-app products and subscriptions. If your app is be priced, or if you'll be selling in-app products, you need set up a Google Wallet Merchant Account before you can publish.


09-05 01:25