本文介绍了一对多关联 - 在JPA中使用非主键列联接表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



供应商(vendorId - pk,vendorEid,name)

VendorContactBridge(bridgeId -pk,vendorEid,contactEid)

联系人(contactId -pk,contactEid,电话)


供应商实体 -

@Table (name =Vendor)
public class供应商实现Serializable {

@Column(name =VENDORID)
private BigDecimal vendorId;

@Column(name =VENDOREID)
private BigDecimal vendorEid;

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
joinColumns = {@ JoinColumn(name =VENDOREID,referencedColumnName =VENDOREID )},
inverseJoinColumns = {@ JoinColumn(name =CONTACTEID,referencedColumnName =CONTACTEID)})
private Set< Contact> vendorContact;


联系实体 - $ /

@Table(name =CONTACT)
public class Contact实现Serializable {

@Column(name =CONTACTID)
private BigDecimal contactId;

@Column(name =CONTATEID)
私人BigDecimal contactEId;

joinColumns = {@ JoinColumn(name =CONTACTEID,referencedColumnName =CONTATEID)},
reverseJoinColumns = {@ JoinColumn(name =VENDOREID,referencedColumnName =VENDOREID)})







I'm working on legacy system, need to read some of the info from database. Below are the table relationship

Vendor (vendorId - pk, vendorEid, name)
VendorContactBridge (bridgeId -pk, vendorEid, contactEid)
Contact (contactId -pk, contactEid, phone)

vendorEid and contactEid are not the primary key of the table but used as join column in Join table VendorContactBridge.

Vendor Entity -

public class Vendor implements Serializable{

private BigDecimal vendorId;

private BigDecimal vendorEid;

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="VENDOREID", referencedColumnName="VENDOREID")},
inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="CONTACTEID", referencedColumnName="CONTACTEID")})
private Set<Contact> vendorContact;

Contact Entity -

public class Contact implements Serializable{

private BigDecimal contactId;

private BigDecimal contactEId;

joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="CONTACTEID", referencedColumnName="CONTATEID")},
inverseJoinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="VENDOREID", referencedColumnName="VENDOREID")})
private Vendor vendor;

while running the query, getting below exception

I removed the Eager fetch which i have given in Vendor entity, i dont get any exception but it doesn't load the collection. What's wrong with association ?


According to the JPA 2.0 specs paragraph 11.1.21 JoinColumn annotaion on page 379

It seems Hibernate choose not to implement this optional part. Other implementations might. I tried it on EclipseLink but that one does not work either (it fails validation).

I see two work arounds. One is to adjust your schema to use the primary keys which would be the right thing from a database design theory perspective. However that might not be an option because of other software depending on this schema which leaves option two. Work around it by NOT moddeling the relationship in JPA just use the eid's and retrieve the relevant objects yourself.

这篇关于一对多关联 - 在JPA中使用非主键列联接表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 01:23