




I need a way to get all of the data out of an Ektron site in any format, that I can use to import it into a new CMS. To my eyes the database is completely obfuscated and I'm not finding any good resources. I would be happy for links, tips, videos, angels, magic lamps or companies that will do it on the cheep. Thanks in advance!


我为我的公司定期进行这种性质的Ektron迁移,而这种迁移的问题是确实没有标准".每个站点的数据结构都完全不同,对于依赖智能表单的ektron站点,或者具有复杂元数据或分类法关系的ektron站点,尤其如此.最好的选择是编写一个自定义导出工具,以将数据转换为目标CMS可以处理的格式.如果您要迁移到另一个.net CMS,则可以利用ektron SOAP Web服务为您提供良好的服务.

I do Ektron migrations of this nature regularly for my company and the problem with such migrations is that there really is no "standard". Every site has it's data structured quite differently and this will be especially true of ektron sites that rely on smartforms, or ones that have complex metadata or taxonomy relationships.Your best bet will probably be to write a custom export tool to get your data into a format your target CMS can handle. If you are moving into another .net CMS, you might be well served by utilizing the ektron SOAP web services.


09-05 01:22