

我正在使用Grails 3.0.6,并且正在与一个复杂且高度互联的领域模型斗争。我有类与多个多对多的关联到其他类,我没有选择,只能在至少一个类上有多个belongsTo关联。我无法找出表示这种情况的语法。


static hasMany = [vertices:Vertex]

class OtherClass {
static hasMany = [vertices:Vertex]

class Vertex {
static hasMany = [graph:Graph,other:OtherClass]
}在这个简化的例子中,我可以通过声明域类之间的所有权Graph和OtherClass ...在我复杂的领域模型中,我没有这个选择,因为有太多的类有多个多对多的关联。


$ pre $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ b静态belongsTo =图形,其他类

但是我得到了一个N​​PE。 / p>


  class Vertex {
static hasMany = [graph:Graph,others:OtherClass]
static belongsTo = [graph:Graph,others:OtherClass]





根据Burt Beckwith的评论,我创建了一个额外的域类来表示连接表。现在,一个多对多的关联被分解为两个一对多的关联,并且问题不会出现。


  class Graph {
static hasMany = [graphVertexRelations:GraphVertexRelation]

class OtherClass {
static hasMany = [vertices:Vertex]

class Vertex {
static hasMany = [graphVertexRelations:GraphVertexRelation,others:OtherClass]
static belongsTo = OtherClass

class GraphVertexRelation {
static belongsTo = [graph:Graph,vertex:Vertex]

static GraphVertexRelation create(Graph graph,Vertex vertex ,boolean flush = false){
new GraphVertexRelation(graph:graph,vertex:vertex).save(flush:flush,insert:true)

I am using Grails 3.0.6 and am struggling with a complicated and highly interconnected domain model. I have classes with multiple many-to-many associations to other classes and I am left with no choice but to have multiple belongsTo associations on at least one class. I am unable to figure out the syntax to represent this.

My domain model was quite complicated, but I was able to reduce my problem to this simplified example:

class Graph {
    static hasMany = [vertices: Vertex]

class OtherClass {
    static hasMany = [vertices: Vertex]

class Vertex {
    static hasMany = [graph: Graph, other: OtherClass]

In this simplified example, I could get around the problem by declaring the ownership between the domain classes on Graph and OtherClass... In my complicated domain model, I don't have this choice because there are too many classes with multiple many-to-many associations.

I have tried this:

class Vertex {
    static hasMany = [graphs: Graph, others: OtherClass]
    static belongsTo = Graph, OtherClass

but I get an NPE.

I have tried this:

class Vertex {
    static hasMany = [graphs: Graph, others: OtherClass]
    static belongsTo = [graphs: Graph, others: OtherClass]

but I still get "GrailsDomainException: No owner defined between domain classes [Graph] and [Vertex]"

Is there something I could do with mappedBy to correctly represent this?

In many of my many-to-many associations, cascading saves are not actually wanted (although they won't hurt), so I don't need belongsTo (or an "owner") for that purpose. This makes me wonder if associations on the domain classes are really how I should be modeling these relationships. Is there something else I could be doing?


per Burt Beckwith's comment, I created an additional domain class to represent the join table. Now, one many-to-many association is broken down into two one-to-many associations and the problem does not arise.


class Graph {
    static hasMany = [graphVertexRelations: GraphVertexRelation]

class OtherClass {
    static hasMany = [vertices: Vertex]

class Vertex {
    static hasMany = [graphVertexRelations: GraphVertexRelation, others: OtherClass]
    static belongsTo = OtherClass

class GraphVertexRelation {
    static belongsTo = [graph: Graph, vertex: Vertex]

    static GraphVertexRelation create(Graph graph, Vertex vertex, boolean flush = false) {
        new GraphVertexRelation(graph: graph, vertex: vertex).save(flush: flush, insert: true)


09-05 01:17