

本文介绍了SQL Server 2008中:环境之间的数据移动的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have an application which calculates prices for products. There are several tables in database which contain formulas and other logic to calculate prices. These calculation data is different for each product. I have 3 environments: production, release and development. I need a functionality to copy data between them.


For example: admin specifies a date of copying and choose product which should be copied. All pricing data related to this product has to be copied to the required environment at the specific date automatically.

你能不能给我一个提醒的是执行此任务的最佳方法?它应该是基于服务器的逻辑和调度?或者,也许Sql Server的任务和链接的服务器查询?我怎么可以组织交易?等等。

Could you give me an advise what is the best approach to perform this task? Should it be server based logic and scheduler? Or maybe Sql Server job and linked server query? How do I can organize transactions? Etc..

我使用SQL Server 2008。

I use SQL Server 2008.



There are multiple ways to do this:

  1. 这是SSIS包 - 你会做一个包,可以连接到服务器并检查运行日期,然后手动将它移到

  1. An SSIS package - you would make a package that can connect to both servers and check for the run date and then manually move it over.

您可以创建一个SQL Server的工作,有一个链接的服务器查询从一台服务器来选择和插入到另一个。

You can create a sql server job, with a linked server query to select from one server and insert into another.


You can even create a asp.net service that does this (its the most cumbersome).


In either of these three cases, you can apply transactions across the whole task. IMHO, option #2 is the least painful...



So, if you have never created and SSIS package, this is a good starting point: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/CreateFirstSSISPackage.aspx

这是调度作业的方式: HTTP://www.$c$cproject.com/KB/aspnet/Schedule_Run_SSIS_DTS的.aspx

This is the way to schedule the jobs:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Schedule_Run_SSIS_DTS.aspx


There are plenty of books available on it as well...

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09-05 01:01