我正在尝试创建一个小手绘图应用程序,并找出一种方法将路径段(例如L10,10)添加到Raphael路径元素。 表明这是不可能的。
I'm trying to create a little free-hand drawing app, and to figure out a way to add path segments (e.g. "L10,10") to a Raphael path Element. This answer suggests that isn't possible.
var e = paper.path("M0,0L100,100")
...它确实改变了由 e.attr(path)
...which does alter the array returned by e.attr("path")
but doesn't change the graphic, so I guess this isn't supported behavior.
在浏览Raphael 2源代码后,我找到了一种有效创建增量路径的方法:
After looking through the Raphael 2 source I figured out a method to create an incremental path efficiently, by:
使用Raphael API初始化路径w /
elem = paper.path()
通过 elem.node.setAttribute(d)附加mousemove处理程序以直接更改SVG DOM路径,elem.node.getAttribute(d)+ newLineSegment);
attaching the mousemove handler to alter the SVG DOM path directly, via elem.node.setAttribute("d", elem.node.getAttribute("d")+newLineSegment);
Raphael uses the 'd' attribute to set path string internally so this should be cross-browser compatible AFAICT (Update: actually I'm mistaken; this only works for the SVG-compatible browsers, not VML), while bypassing a whole mess of code we don't need to have run on an inner loop
上进行所有正确的内务管理,例如: elem.attr({path:elem.node.getAttribute(d)})
when done drawing, set the path attribute for the path element explicitly through Raphael's API, so it can do all the proper housekeeping on the Element
e.g.: elem.attr( {path: elem.node.getAttribute("d") })
This performs reasonably well on Chrome, and other modern browsers I tested on.
我已经为使用它的草图完成了一个jQuery UI小部件。如果您觉得这样的东西可以作为开源使用,请发表评论。如果有兴趣的话,我会看看能否做到这一点。
I've finished a jQuery UI widget for a sketchpad that uses this. Please leave a comment if you would find such a thing useful as open source. If there's interest I'll see if I can make that happen.