

我的代码以这种方式处理GLSL着色器管理,即创建每个着色器和关联的程序,并删除每个着色器和程序.我最近阅读了 http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Object 并指出:

My code approaches GLSL shader management in the way, that it creates each shader and the associated program and deletes each shader and program. I recently read http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Object and there it is stated that:


Do I get this correctly, if I call glDeleteShader() on the shader object after linking to the program, I only need to track the program? Is it safe to assume this is always true?



Yes -- in fact it is highly desireable to detach and delete your shader objects as soon as possible. That way the driver can free up all the memory it is using to hold a copy of the shader source and unlinked object code, which can be quite substantial. Measurements I have done indicate that NOT deleting the shader objects increases the incremental memory use per shader by 5-10x


09-05 00:57