public int Set(int newValue,Object obj)
//System.Windows.Forms.Control ctrl = (System.Windows.FormsControl)Object;
The Object here is COM object. Now I want to convert it to a .NET object and get hold of its properties. What is the easiest way to do it?
The fact that the object in question is a COM object is not a problem. You don't have to convert it to a .NET object because it already is one. You get hold of the properties on this object as you would any other .NET object for which you didn't have type information, for example:
var objectType = obj.GetType();
foreach(var prop in objectType.GetProperties())
Console.WriteLine("Property {0} of type {1}",
prop.Name, prop.PropertyType.Name);
要调用属性,您可以使用Type类的InvokeMember方法。以下是如何将对象上的Visible属性(如果存在)设置为 true
To invoke a property you can use the InvokeMember method of the Type class. Here's how to set the "Visible" property (if it exists) on your object to true
objectType.InvokeMember("Visible", BindingFlags.SetProperty,
null, obj, new object[] { true });
如果使用.NET 4或4.5,可以使用dynamic关键字COM起源.NET对象更容易:
If you're using .NET 4 or 4.5, you can use the dynamic keyword to make working with COM originated .NET objects easier:
var xlAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application");
dynamic xlApp = Activator.CreateInstance(xlAppType);
xlApp.Visible = true;
Note how the invocation of the Visible property was incantation-free in that last example. I try to use dynamics whenever possible to work with COM objects these days.