



我使用这个EXE COM服务器:

I'm using this exe com server:

  • 我PROG是一个COM应用程序

  • 内搭另一COM对象我的COM方法是无效初始化( AppsScriptRunningContext RC);在这种方式

  • 我试着读出的属性和得到这个错误


这就是为什么我认为错误是由EXE COM服务器产生的。

If my app is not a com server but a normal com app there is no error.Thats why I think the error is produced by the exe com server.

问候,克里斯 -



That's a very regrettable code sample, the odds of having success with it are very close to zero. It is a product of the MSDN forums support group and their work isn't being peer-reviewed at Microsoft. One team member later acknowledged that this is not the correct way to do it.


An issue with that code is that it completely ignores the Remark in the MSDN documentation for RegistrationServices.RegisterTypeForComClients() method:



Unfortunately without explaining why it isn't supported. The key problem is that a COM interface always needs to be marshaled in an out-of-process activation case. This is done by creating a proxy at the client side, an instance of the interface that has all the same methods as the original interface but whose implemented methods send the arguments of the method to the other process through RPC. At the server side, a stub performs the same but opposite role, building a stack frame with the method arguments and making the actual method call.


Creating the proxy and the stub is pretty easy in .NET, reflection makes it simple. Done by the Remoting plumbing built into the framework. It is however not easy in COM, it doesn't have anything similar to reflection. There are two basic ways it gets done, firstly by writing the COM interface definitions in the IDL language and compiling it with midl.exe. Which can automatically generate the C source code that does the marshaling from which you can build a DLL. That DLL then needs to be registered properly in the HKCR\Interface registry key so that COM can find and load the DLL whenever the interface needs to be marshaled. A second way is available if your interface is derived from IDispatch and limits itself to OLE Automation compatible argument types. You can then generate a type library and use the standard marshaller. This requires the type library to be registered, along with appropriate keys in HKCR\Interface so COM knows about it.

这是不以发生的部分。 NET进程外的服务器。你不必MIDL.EXE帮你生成代理/存根DLL和你没有得到注册帮助使用标准编组。这是什么错误消息实际上是说,这里真的E_NOINTERFACE意味着它找不到任何方法来封送的接口。是的,蹩脚的错误消息。

That's the part that doesn't happen in a .NET out-of-process server. You don't have midl.exe to help you generate the proxy/stub DLL and you don't get the registration help to use the standard marshaller. Which is what the error message is really saying, E_NOINTERFACE here really means that it couldn't find any way to marshal the interface. Yes, crappy error message.

在.NET中正式支持的方式来创建进程外的一个COM服务器与COM +进行注册。使用System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent类作为基类。 MSDN库文章。

The officially supported way in .NET to create an out-of-process COM server is to register it with COM+. Using the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent class as a base class. The MSDN library article is here.


09-05 00:39