

我想转换 rcNormalPosition.Left 中的 GetWindowPlacement 返回的工作区坐标rcNormalPosition.Top 来显示屏幕坐标,稍后我可以将其分配给 MainForm.Left MainForm.Top 。我该怎么做?

I want to convert the workspace coordinates returned by GetWindowPlacement in rcNormalPosition.Left and rcNormalPosition.Top to screen coordinates that I can assign later to MainForm.Left and MainForm.Top. How can I do that ?


最简单,最干净的方法是使用与 GetWindowPlacement ,即。这样,您无需在工作空间和屏幕坐标之间转换,因为您让系统为您完成工作。

The simplest and cleanest way is to use the API function that partners with GetWindowPlacement, namely SetWindowPlacement. That way you don't need to convert between workspace and screen coordinates because you let the system do the work for you.

  WindowPlacement: TWindowPlacement;
WindowPlacement.length := SizeOf(WindowPlacement);
Win32Check(GetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement));
Win32Check(SetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement));

在上面的代码中,假定为 Handle 成为表单的窗口句柄。

In the above code, Handle is assumed to be the window handle of the form.


If you have persisted the left and top then you'd restore them like this:

  WindowPlacement: TWindowPlacement;
WindowPlacement.length := SizeOf(WindowPlacement);
Win32Check(GetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement));
WindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Left := NewLeft;
WindowPlacement.rcNormalPosition.Top := NewTop;
Win32Check(SetWindowPlacement(Handle, WindowPlacement));


09-05 00:18