


Hi I'm using datatables and I would like to filter my data by an exact word.


My table data looks like below;

| num | status   |
| 1   | Active   |
| 2   | Inactive |
| 3   | Active   |

每当我搜索 Active 时,我也会看到所有非活动。有没有办法过滤这个,以便状态列只显示确切的单词。

Whenever I search for Active I also see all the Inactive too. Is there any way to filter this so that either the status column only shows exact words.


$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#items').DataTable( {
    select: true,
    responsive: true
    } );
} );


I've been reading through the API however I can't make much sense of it. Perhaps I need to write some regex?


There's an example (I think) here, however I need to modify it to my needs.


Any help or advice would be appreciated.


如果认为你最好用。 取消绑定默认处理程序并每次执行完全匹配过滤器。如果你有一个表

If think you are better off with a custom filter for this task. unbind the default handlers and perform a exact match filter each time instead. If you have a table

var table = $('#example').DataTable()


Then use a exact match custom filter this way

$('.dataTables_filter input').unbind().bind('keyup', function() {
   var searchTerm = this.value.toLowerCase()
   if (!searchTerm) {
   $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(function(settings, data, dataIndex) {
      for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
         if (data[i].toLowerCase() == searchTerm) return true
      return false

这是一个演示 - > 尝试搜索 tokyo

here is a demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/hmjnqjbs/1/ try search for tokyo.

好的。我意识到问题不在于精确匹配过滤器中的精确单词,而是整个单词搜索。当我们搜索 vaio 时,我们希望看到 Vaio Q900 ,但我们不希望看到 VaioQ900 因为 Vaio 这里不是一个完整的词。通过使用正则表达式字边界 \b 来解决此问题:

OK. I realize the question not is about "exact words" as in exact match filter, but more a whole word search. We want to see Vaio Q900 when we search on vaio, but we do not want to see VaioQ900 because Vaio here not is a whole word. This problem is simply solved by using a regex word boundary \b :

$('.dataTables_filter input').unbind().bind('keyup', function() {
   var searchTerm = this.value.toLowerCase(),
       regex = '\\b' + searchTerm + '\\b';
   table.rows().search(regex, true, false).draw();

来自下面评论的OP的小提琴 - >

OP's fiddle from the comment below updated -> http://jsfiddle.net/hmjnqjbs/3/

现在活动 vaio 等按预期工作。

Now active, vaio and so on works as expected.


09-11 19:32