


What does the term "Leaky Abstraction" mean? (Please explain with examples. I often have a hard time grokking a mere theory.)


这里有一个 meatspace 示例:


Automobiles have abstractions for drivers. In its purest form, there's a steering wheel, accelerator and brake. This abstraction hides a lot of detail about what's under the hood: engine, cams, timing belt, spark plugs, radiator, etc.


The neat thing about this abstraction is that we can replace parts of the implementation with improved parts without retraining the user. Let's say we replace the distributor cap with electronic ignition, and we replace the fixed cam with a variable cam. These changes improve performance but the user still steers with the wheel and uses the pedals to start and stop.

这真的很了不起……一个 16 岁或 80 岁的人都可以操作这台复杂的机器,而并不真正了解它的内部工作原理!

It's actually quite remarkable... a 16 year old or an 80 year old can operate this complicated piece of machinery without really knowing much about how it works inside!

但是有泄漏.传输是一个小泄漏.在自动变速器中,您可以感觉到汽车在换档时会暂时失去动力,而在 CVT 中,您会一直感觉到平稳的扭矩.

But there are leaks. The transmission is a small leak. In an automatic transmission you can feel the car lose power for a moment as it switches gears, whereas in CVT you feel smooth torque all the way up.


There are bigger leaks, too. If you rev the engine too fast, you may do damage to it. If the engine block is too cold, the car may not start or it may have poor performance. And if you crank the radio, headlights, and AC all at the same time, you'll see your gas mileage go down.


09-04 23:50