


How can I simulate a keypress in a game window (using any programming language in Windows)?

AutoHotKeys脚本和.NET SendKeys函数不起作用...

AutoHotKeys Scripts and .NET SendKeys functions do not work...


使用AutoIt!3(与AutoHotKeys非常相似),您可以使用Send()( http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/Send.htm ),但请确保具有操作之前,游戏窗口处于活动状态(WinActivate()).

Using AutoIt!3 (which is quite similar to AutoHotKeys), you'd use Send() (http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/Send.htm), but make sure to have the game window active (WinActivate()) before you do.

我已经使用它成功地与Second Life(使用OpenGL)进行交互.在模拟按键之间可能需要Sleep()时间,因为并非所有游戏都具有良好的键盘缓冲区.

I've used this to interact with Second Life (which uses OpenGL) succesfully. You may require a Sleep() period between simulated key presses, since not all games implement good keyboard buffers.


If this doesn't work, the game is probably accessing the hardware drivers directly, and your only option is to hook into the keyboard drivers.


If the game is polling asynchonously, you want to use the down and up modifiers flags:

Send("{left down}")  ; hold down the LEFT key
Sleep(10)            ; keep it pressed for 10 milliseconds
Send("{left up}")    ; release the LEFT key


Figuring out how long to keep the key pressed depends entirely on how frequently the program you're trying to control is polling the keyboard; no way to know for sure.


09-04 23:40