

你知道如何使用OpenCV-DirectShow(没有VFW)从网络摄像头获取原始YUY2 图像吗?

Do you know how to get raw YUY2 image from webcam, using OpenCV-DirectShow (no VFW) ?


http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/CameraCapture : I succeed getting IPL image (Intel Processing Library image) using the example.


Using the function cvShowImage() in the code, the image is nice on the screen. But I don't want to show image on the screen, nor IPL format, I just want YUYV raw data...

维基页面的第二部分将是我想要什么,但是在OpenCV 2.4中似乎不存在deviceSetupWithSubtype()(甚至谷歌也不知道)。

The second part of the wiki page would be what I want, but deviceSetupWithSubtype() does not seem to exist any longer in OpenCV 2.4 (even Google does not know it).


EDIT : I found : it is in the rar file linked on the page ! Google does not "see" in rar files. Here is the link : http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/CameraCapture?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Camera+property+Settings.rar . I am going to study this.


通常,opencv使用directshow从windows中的网络摄像头获取RGB帧。 Opencv VideoCapture类获取CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB属性(布尔标志指示图像将转换为RGB),但它在我的所有网络摄像头中都不起作用。

typically, opencv use directshow to get RGB frame from webcam in windows. Opencv VideoCapture class get CV_CAP_PROP_CONVERT_RGB property(boolean flag indicating whehter images shoule be converted to RGB), but it's not working in all my webcams.

而不是编写DirectShow代码并使你自己的样本抓取和回调,以获得YUY2数据desribe (他们hava made简化directshow开发的精彩工具。)我修改和()类(网页为中文)获取YUY2数据。

Instead of writing DirectShow codes and make your own sample grabber and callback to get the YUY2 data desribe here (they hava made wonderful tools to simplify directshow development.) I modify CameraDs and the (setup Doc) class(the web pages are in Chinese) to get YUY2 data.

在CameraDs中。 cpp将 mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; 更改为 mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; (检查您的网络摄像头是否支持此项)

In CameraDs.cpp change mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24; to mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2; (check whether your webcam support this )

并制作2频道YUY2图像而不是RGB 3通道。

and makes a 2 channel YUY2 image instead of RGB 3 channel.

m_pFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(m_nWidth, m_nHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 2);


and gets the YUY2 data outside and change it to RGB with opencv interface like:

               //query frame
               IplImage * pFrame = camera. QueryFrame();

               //change them to rgb
               Mat yuv (480, 640,CV_8UC2 ,pFrame-> imageData);
               Mat rgb (480, 640,CV_8UC3 );

               cvtColor(yuv ,rgb, CV_YUV2BGRA_YUY2);

               //show image
               //cvShowImage("camera", rgb);
               imshow("camera" ,rgb);

               if ( cvWaitKey(20 ) == 'q')


09-04 22:55