

我正在为3D创建视频播放器,并且需要创建自己的渲染器.我在使用渲染器创建图形时遇到问题,因此我退后一步,只是尝试在无窗口模式下使用VMR9渲染器构建图形.如果我在窗口中使用VMR9构建图形 模式下一切正常.当我尝试以无窗口或无渲染模式构建图形时,尝试连接过滤器时得到0x80040217(找不到中间过滤器的组合来建立连接.)

I am creating a video player for 3D and need to create my own renderer. I had a problem creating the graph with my renderer so I stepped back and just tried to build the graph with the VMR9 renderer in Windowless mode. If I build the graph with VMR9 in windowed mode everything works fine. When I try to build the graph in windowless or renderless mode I get 0x80040217 (No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection.) when I try to connect up the filters.


Can anyone shed some light on this?



    hr = m_pGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph,   NULL,    CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    hr = m_pDVDNav.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DVDNavigator,   NULL,    CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    hr = m_pGraph-> AddFilter(m_pDVDNav,L"DVD Navigator");
        err.NotifyError(L"DVD Navigator的AddFilter()失败",hr);
    hr = m_pVideoRenderer.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);

    hr = m_pGraph-> AddFilter(m_pVideoRenderer,L视频混合渲染器");
        err.NotifyError(L"Video Mixing Renderer的AddFilter()失败",hr);

    hr = m_pVideoRenderer-> QueryInterface(& m_pVMRConfig9);

    hr = m_pVMRConfig9-> SetRenderingMode(VMR9Mode_Windowless);

    hr = m_pVMRConfig9-> SetNumberOfStreams(2);

    hr = m_pVideoRenderer-> QueryInterface(IID_IVMRWindowlessControl9,(LPVOID *)& m_pIWindowlessControl);

    hr = m_pGraph-> QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx,reinterpret_cast< void **>(& m_pIME));

    hr = m_pIME-> SetNotifyWindow((OAHWND)m_hwndVideo,WM_DVD_EVENT,NULL);

    int i;
    IPin * outPin;

    //将DVD解码器的视频输出连接到VMR9输入1.我们仍然需要制作Sub Picture
    for(i = 0; i< 3; i ++){
        hr = GetPin(m_pDVDNav,PINDIR_OUTPUT,& outPin,i);
        if(hr!= S_OK){
        hr = m_pGraph-> Render(outPin);
        if(hr!= S_OK){

    //现在将DVD解码器连接到VMR9 Renderer
    //        DVD解码器子图片输入:    子图片输入
    //        DVD解码器子图片输出:     〜子图片输出
    //        VMR9视频2输入:                             VMR输入1
    //        VMR9视频1输入:                             VMR输入0
    hr = GetNextFilter(m_pDVDNav,DOWNSTREAM,& m_pDVDDecoder);
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("GetNextFilter"),hr,TEXT(无法从DVD Navigator获取下游过滤器"));
    //从DVD解码器获取Sub Picture输出.
    IPin * pDecSubPicOut;
    hr = FindPinByName(m_pDVDDecoder,L〜Subpicture Output",& pDecSubPicOut);

    IPin * pRendSubPicIn;
    hr = FindPinByName(m_pVideoRenderer,L"VMR Input1",& pRendSubPicIn);
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("FindPinByName"),hr,TEXT(无法在VMR9上获得VMR Input1"));

    //将DVD Decoder Sub Picture输出连接到VMR9视频输入2
    hr = m_pGraph-> Connect(pDecSubPicOut,pRendSubPicIn);

    // Build the graph manually
    // Create graph builder
    hr = m_pGraph.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph,    NULL,    CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"CoCreateInstance ofr IID_IGraphBuilder failed", hr);

    // Create the DVD Navigator and add it to the Graph
    hr = m_pDVDNav.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DVDNavigator,    NULL,    CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"CoCreateInstance() for CLSID_DVDNavigator failed", hr);
        return hr;
    hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(m_pDVDNav, L"DVD Navigator");
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"AddFilter() for DVD Navigator failed", hr);
        return hr;
    // Create and configure video renderer
    hr = m_pVideoRenderer.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        // VMR9 not successfully instantiated
        err.NotifyError(L"CoCreateInstance() for CLSID_VideoMisingRenderer9 failed", hr);
        return hr;

    hr = m_pGraph->AddFilter(m_pVideoRenderer, L"Video Mixing Renderer");
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"AddFilter() for Video Mixing Renderer failed", hr);
        return hr;

    // Call QueryInterface on the VMR-9 filter for the IVMRFilterConfig9 interface.
    hr = m_pVideoRenderer->QueryInterface(&m_pVMRConfig9);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"QueryInterface() for IVMRFilterConfig9 failed", hr);
        return hr;

    // Set the VMR9 mode to Windowless.
    hr = m_pVMRConfig9->SetRenderingMode(VMR9Mode_Windowless);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"SetRenderingMode() for VMR9Mode_Windowless failed", hr);
        return hr;

    hr = m_pVMRConfig9->SetNumberOfStreams(2);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"SetNumberOfStreams() for 1IVMRFilterConfig9 failed", hr);
        return hr;

    hr = m_pVideoRenderer->QueryInterface(IID_IVMRWindowlessControl9, (LPVOID *)&m_pIWindowlessControl);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"QueryInterface() for VMRWindowlessControl9 failed", hr);
        return hr;

    // Query for IMediaEventEx *before* building the graph so that
    // we catch all of the initialization events.
    hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaEventEx, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_pIME));
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"QueryInterface for IID_IMediaEvents failed", hr);
            return hr ;

    // Set up event notification.
    hr = m_pIME->SetNotifyWindow((OAHWND)m_hwndVideo, WM_DVD_EVENT, NULL);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(L"SetNotifyWindow() for EM_DVD_EVENT failed", hr);
        return hr;

    int i;
    IPin * outPin;

    // Render() on the all of the output pins of the DVD Navigator. This should automatically add the DVD Decoder and
    // connects the video out from the DVD Navigator to the video input on the DVD Decoder. It then
    // connects the video output from the DVD Decoder to VMR9 input 1. We still need to make the Sub Picture
    // connections but we do that manually below.
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        hr = GetPin(m_pDVDNav, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &outPin, i);
        if(hr != S_OK) {
            err.NotifyError(L"GetPin on outPin failed", hr);
            return E_FAIL;
        hr = m_pGraph->Render(outPin);
        if(hr != S_OK) {
            err.NotifyError(L"Call to Render on GraphBuilder failed", hr);
            return hr;

    // At this point we have the DVD Navigator, DVD Decoder and VMR9. We need to connect the
    // subpicture output from the DVD Decoder to the 2nd video input on the VMR9 filter.
    // Now connect the DVD Decoder to the VMR9 Renderer
    // The pin names are as follows:
    //        DVD Decoder Sub Picture Input:        SubpictureInput
    //        DVD Decoder Sub Picture Output:        ~SubpictureOutput
    //        VMR9 Video 2 Input:                                VMR Input1
    //        VMR9 Video 1 Input:                                VMR Input0
    // Get the DVD Decoder
    hr = GetNextFilter(m_pDVDNav, DOWNSTREAM, &m_pDVDDecoder);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("GetNextFilter"), hr, TEXT("Could not get downstream filter from DVD Navigator"));
        return hr;
    // Get the Sub Picture output from the DVD Decoder.
    IPin * pDecSubPicOut;
    hr = FindPinByName(m_pDVDDecoder, L"~Subpicture Output", &pDecSubPicOut);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("FindPinByName"), hr, TEXT("Could not get Subpicture Output from DVDDecoder"));
        return hr;

    // Get the number 2 video input to the VMR9 Renderer.
    IPin * pRendSubPicIn;
    hr = FindPinByName(m_pVideoRenderer, L"VMR Input1", &pRendSubPicIn);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("FindPinByName"), hr, TEXT("Could not get VMR Input1 on VMR9"));
        return hr;

    // Connect the DVD Decoder Sub Picture output to VMR9 video input 2
    hr = m_pGraph->Connect(pDecSubPicOut, pRendSubPicIn);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        err.NotifyError(TEXT("Connect(pDecSubPicOut, pRendSubPicIn)"), hr, TEXT("Could not connect DVDDecoder sub picture output to VMR9"));
        return hr;


出于测试目的,我的建议不是使用智能连接,而是手动添加和连接过滤器.  使用GraphEdit识别所需的过滤器.

For testing purposes, my suggestion is not to use intelligent connect but rather to manually add and connect the filters.   Use GraphEdit to identify the filters that you need. 

在将所有过滤器添加到图形之前,将它们连接之前,我遇到了类似的问题.  就我而言,关键是在将过滤器添加到图表后立即连接过滤器.

I encountered a similar problem when adding all filters to the graph BEFORE connecting them.   In my case, the key was to connect a filter after immediatley after it was added to the graph. 





09-04 22:54