本文介绍了如何在vc ++中使用samplegrabber?未定义samplegrabber的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在视觉社区2015中,我有一个c ++项目.在cpp文件顶部,我有

In visual community 2015 I have a c++ project.In the cpp file top I have

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VideoCaptureFilterSample.h"
#include "VideoCaptureFilterSampleDlg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW

我在输入项目属性时也进行了设置> VC ++目录,我在以下目录中添加了此目录:C:\ Program Files%28x86%29 \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v7.1 \ Samples \ multimedia \ directshow \ baseclasses

I also set when entering the project properties > VC++ Directories I added this directory in include: C:\Program Files %28x86%29\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples\multimedia\directshow\baseclasses


The problem is when I type in my code this:

hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,


The CLSID_SampleGrabber not defined.

到目前为止,我尝试了什么?下载了DirectX SDK 9和6和Microsoft SDK 7.1,并在Google中搜索了qedit.h,但我没有找到该文件.无法弄清楚如何定义CLSID_SampleGrabber

What I tried so far ? Downloaded directx sdk 9 and 6 and Microsoft sdk 7.1 and searched in google for qedit.h but I didn't find the file. Can't figure out how to define the CLSID_SampleGrabber


CLSID_SampleGrabber 早已从Windows SDK中删除,您需要与版本6.1 Windows SDK 来查找声明.该实现是最近才从Windows操作系统中删除的(Windows Server 2012?).

CLSID_SampleGrabber was removed from Windows SDK long ago, you need as old as version 6.1 Windows SDK to find the declaration. The implementation was removed from Windows operating system only recently (Windows Server 2012?).


#pragma region Re-Adding Removed from Windows SDK qedit.h

struct __declspec(uuid("0579154a-2b53-4994-b0d0-e773148eff85"))
ISampleGrabberCB : IUnknown


struct __declspec(uuid("c1f400a0-3f08-11d3-9f0b-006008039e37"))
    // [ default ] interface ISampleGrabber


CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pSgBaseFilter;

链接amstrmid.lib是一个很好的提示,但是几乎不需要单独使用 CLSID_SampleGrabber ,也需要 ISampleGrabber 和朋友,并且该库仍在托管(如副作用)GUID不能帮助您.

Linking amstrmid.lib is a good hint, but you almost never need CLSID_SampleGrabber alone, you also need ISampleGrabber and friends as well, and the library still hosting (as a side effect) the GUIDs don't get you that.


这篇关于如何在vc ++中使用samplegrabber?未定义samplegrabber的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-04 22:54