


While implementing a design using nested generic collections, I stumbled across those limitations apparently caused by C#'s invariant Generics:

Cannot convert from 'Collection<subtype of T> to 'Collection<T>'


That means, the following will not work, apparently due to the invariance of Generics:

class Outer<TInner, TInnerItem> where TInner : Inner<TInnerItem>
    public void Add(TInner item)
        item.Outer = this; // ERROR:
            // Cannot implicitly convert from Outer<TInner, TInnerItem>
            // to Outer<Inner<TInnerItem>, TInnerItem>

class Inner<TInnerItem> : ICollection<TInnerItem>
    Outer<Inner<TInnerItem>, TInnerItem> _outer;

    public Outer<Inner<TInnerItem>, TInnerItem> Outer
        set { _outer = value; }

(在实际代码中, Inner<> 外部<> 实现 ICollection< 。)

(In the actual code, both Inner<> and Outer<> implement ICollection<>.)

我需要 Inner<> 对象来引用其容器集合,以便访问一些数据。

I need the Inner<> objects to have a reference to its container collection in order to access some of its data.

如何实现这些嵌套集合,最好使用上面概述的通用方法?如何在 Inner<> 类中设置对容器集合的引用?

How would you implement these nested collections, preferably using a generic approach as outlined above? How would you set the reference to the container collection in the Inner<> class?





Introducing a (possibly abstract) base class which is not dependant on TInner may help you:

abstract class OuterBase<TInnerItem>

class Outer<TInner, TInnerItem> : OuterBase<TInnerItem> where TInner : Inner<TInnerItem>
    public void Add(TInner item)
        item.Outer = this; // Compiles

class Inner<TInnerItem> : ICollection<TInnerItem>
    OuterBase<TInnerItem> _outer;

    public OuterBase<TInnerItem> Outer
        set { _outer = value; }


Or wait for C# 4.0, which introduces co/contra-variant generic interfaces.


09-04 22:13