I've added a reportviewer in a wpf app via the xaml designer of my main window and I'd like to add an existing rdlc file to it. I've had a very long google session and I've been unable to find a working method. I'd like my reportviewer to show an empty rdlc file (without the parameters) on startup, and later upon selecting a row from my datagrid (bound to an observablecollection) change its parameters accordingly and show the filled report definition instead of the empty one. I'll make a button with the selected row as commandparameter and the relevant events and everything, I just need to be able to pass data to the report. I realize it is not an easy question so I'll try to simplify:
- 如何将现有的RDLC文件添加到的ReportViewer(MVVM ,WPF)
- 我按下一个按钮 - >相关命令从我的ObservableCollection作为参数(在我的数据网格中的行)获取项目 - >如何这个项目的数据部分传递到未填充(或覆盖仿佛充满当然)报告的部分?
I hope I've been clear. Thanks for the answer in advance!
After you set up your initilizeMethod with correct path to the report and dataset name something like this.
private void initializeReport()
this.mform_components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource reportDataSource1 = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource();
this.ProductBindingSource = new System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(this.mform_components);
reportDataSource1.Name = "DataSet4";
reportDataSource1.Value = this.ProductBindingSource;
this.viewerInstance.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = "YourReport.rdlc";
this.viewerInstance.ZoomPercent = 95;
this.windowsFormsHost1.Width = 680;
Only thing that should be left is specifing the object you want to se in your report.
private System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource ProductBindingSource;
private void startReport()
YourClass item = (YourClass)DataGridView.SelectedItem;
this.ProductBindingSource.DataSource = item;