

本文介绍了如何在Primefaces tabView中设置活动选项卡?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a menubar in which two items on a submenu, both calling the same page:

<p:menubar autoSubmenuDisplay="true">
   <p:submenu label="Perfil">
       <p:menuitem value="Editar" url="perfil.xhtml" />
       <p:menuitem value="Ver" url="perfil.xhtml" />


In that page i have a tabview with two tabs:

<p:tabView dynamic="true">
    <p:tab id="ver" title="Ver perfil">
        <ui:include src="verPerfil.xhtml" />
    <p:tab id="editar" title="Editar perfil">
    <ui:include src="editarPerfil.xhtml" />


How can i set the active tab, so each menuitem activate the corresponding tab?


如果你想这样做。你不能使用 url 中的 p:menuitem 因为我们必须调用一种方法来改变tabindex 之前跳到 prefil.xhtml 页面。如果你使用 url ,我们跳过 prefil.xhtml 页面后会调用该方法。

If you want to do this.You can't use the url in the p:menuitem because we must call a method to changing the tabindex before skipping to the prefil.xhtml page. If you use the url, the method will be invoked after we skip to the prefil.xhtml page .

首先,您可以使用 p:menuitem 的操作字段,该方法返回您要跳过的地址:

First, you can use the action field of the p:menuitem, the method returns the address you want to skip to:

<p:menubar autoSubmenuDisplay="true">
    <p:submenu label="Perfil">
        <p:menuitem value="Editar" action="#{some.editar}" ajax="false"/>
        <p:menuitem value="Ver" action="#{some.ver}" ajax="false" />


These two method do something to change the tabindex like this:

public String editar() {
    tabindex = 0;
    return "verPerfil";

public String ver() {
    tabindex = 1;
    return "verPerfil";

然后 p:tabView 具有名为 activeIndex 的属性。它是活动选项卡的索引,其默认值为 0 。所以你可以这样做:

Then the p:tabView has an attribute named activeIndex. It is the index of the active tab, its default value is 0. So you can do as follows:

<p:tabView dynamic="true" activeIndex="#{some.tabindex}" >
    <p:tab id="ver" title="Ver perfil">
        <ui:include src="verPerfil.xhtml" />
    <p:tab id="editar" title="Editar perfil">
        <ui:include src="editarPerfil.xhtml" />


Then each menuitem will activate the corresponding tab.

这篇关于如何在Primefaces tabView中设置活动选项卡?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-04 22:08